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It was a cold October night both tsukishima and hinata were exhausted they came from a dinner party "is the heater on?" Tsukishima questioned "I don't think so" hinata said as he hurried to turn it on "but it is now" he said ever so proudly "ah yes thank you my hero" "Of course my love anything for you" they both laughed then the lights went off and they both shivered "Did the power run out?" "Probably did we pay electricity?" "Yes?" Hinata gave Tsukishima a look "Yes with a question mark" "Nope I meant yes without a question mark" "fine" hinata said giving him a little kiss "it's probably just a small black out either ways" "yeah you're right" "yeah but someone owes me heat" "You're right" Tsukishima ran to their bed and went under the blankets opening his arms "Well what are you waiting for I'm paying my debt" with those words hinata ran to tsukishima embracing his hug and snuggling against him "I love you kei" "I love you too sho" they both smiled sharing a beautiful kiss.

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