Bryn Reid. (I apologize for this one)

It's now Saturday morning and we're both still in bed, cuddling since we're both too lazy to get up.

His phone rings and we both groan loudly. I lift my arm over my face, him rolling off me and picking up his phone.

"What? Alright, we'll be there in 30." He says before handing up and sitting to where his back is pressed against the wall.

"What's up?" I question, sitting up and sitting beside him.

"We have to get Atlas and take him into Quantico with us. Someone's threatening us and left the threat with a body." He answers, his brows furrowing as he stares down the bed.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll get through this. You guys are an amazing team and we'll all be safe, okay?" I lean over and cup his cheek, stroking my thumb over it slightly.

"Let's just go." He breathes out and pulls away from me, walking into the bathroom.

I let out a small sigh, changing into a pair of comfy jeans and a random shirt I found. As Spencer walks out of the bathroom in his normal work attire, I walk in and brush my teeth and hair.

I rub on deodorant and spray on some perfume before walking down the hallway and picking up Atlas.

"Where are we going, mama?" He asks against my shoulder.

"We're gonna get your teeth brushed and then go to daddy's work with him, sound fun?" He nods eagerly, rubbing his little eye.

He brushes his teeth and I help him slip on a pair of shoes, still in his teenage mutant ninja turtle pajamas, before I pick him up and walk back into my room where Spence sits on the bed, slipping on a pair of his own shoes.

I set Atlas on the bed and do the same before Spencer picks up the little boy and walks into the living room.

What is his problem?

I shake it off before grabbing my phone and wallet before following where the two just went.

We all walk out the door, making our way to the parking garage and Spencer sets Atlas in the back, buckling him in as I get into the passenger seat.

Spence gets in on the drivers side, starting the car without putting his seatbelt on.

"Spence, you have to wear your seatbelt." I say and he looks at me blankly before reaching over and grabbing the belt and clicking it into place.

"Thank you." I whisper and he just starts the car, his hands gripping the wheel tightly.

It's a silent ride since Atlas has always enjoyed watching the scenery in car rides and Spencer and I weren't talking, but when we get there, I just grab Atlas and he jumps out, grabbing onto my hand.

"Stay with me, okay, bud? I don't want to lose you." I say and he nods.

"Okay." His small voice says as we walk into the building.

We all gather in the elevator and Spencer hesitated before grabbing onto my hand and intertwining our fingers.

I look down and back up with a small smile and the corner of his lip twitches.

"Mommy, can I hang out with Aunt Penny?" A cute voice asks and I look back down to the other boy holding my hand.

"You'll have to talk to her about that, darling, but I'm sure she'd love to hang out with you." I take my hand out of his temporary and ruffle his brown curls before grabbing his hand again.

The elevator dings and we all walk out only to be greeted by Derek and Penelope.

"Come on," Derek rushes us into the bullpen as Penelope takes Atlas.

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