Bryn Reid

I hear a soft hum as arms wrap around me and I feel a smile form on my lips.

"Are you just getting here?" I question quietly and he nods in my neck.

I stay silent, not wanting to disturb his sleep. I look over at the alarm clock on the nightstand, it saying 5:22 in the morning.

I reach up and play with the unruly curly hair in my neck and he lets out a soft sound.

I continue until my eyes can't stay open anymore and they close, sleep taking over.


"Hey, baby. It's daddy. I just wanted to talk to you, and mommy's asleep so I don't have anyone else to talk to. Not that you're my second choice, cause you're not! Um, but this case in working on is rough, and the drama with my team doesn't help much, so I guess I just needed you to cheer me up. I love you, baby Reid."

I look down, seeing and feeling Spencer press a soft kiss to my stomach. I reach my hand up to touch his cheek as tears well up in my eyes.

"Spencer," I cry. "I love you." I add, wiping my tears off my cheeks. He lets out a small chuckle, his thumb rubbing my hip as he wipes a tear I missed.

"I'm sorry, it's the hormones, but I honestly can't promise you that I wouldn't cry if I saw you do that again, even without them." I giggle lightly and he makes an 'awe' face before planting a small kiss on each of my cheeks.

"Well, I should get going. I was supposed to be there a minute ago." He sighs softly, sitting up next to me.

He's already dressed in a light gray button up with a black tie and dress pants, his regular converse thrown on his feet.

"Okay, love you, Spencer." I kiss him.

"Love you too, baby." He mumbles against my lips before standing up. I watch as he opens the hotel door, almost forgetting the coffee he had set on the table next to the door.

I check the time, noticing that it's 8. The time difference isn't much from here to home, and Atlas should be up, so I call the home phone and he answers.


"Hey, princess. We got him." Spencer grins as he shuts the door.

Earlier, I decided to stay instead of making the jet make more trips back and forth.

"Really? Come here." I grin back, opening my arms.

He keeps his head down, walking into my arms. I squeeze him tightly and he squeezes me back.

"The team is making us all go out for drinks when we get back. Even you." He looks up from our socks to reveal a gash covered with those zip stitch bandages on his head.

"Hey, what happened?" I frown, reading up and rubbing his head lightly.

"The unsub got a little touchy with the butt of his gun. I'm fine, don't worry about it." He smiles softly, pressing a kiss to my temple. "We need to be at the jet in an hour."

"Okay." I whisper, leaning my head on his chest.

"Why don't we pack up all of our stuff and go get some food?" He suggests and I nod.

"I could go for some food." I answer and pull away a bit.

"Well, come on." He grabs my hand and we walk into the bedroom where our bags are.

I gather all of my stuff into my bag, zipping it. I sit on the bed and watch carefully as Spencer throws all of his clothes haphazardly in his bag. I make a mental note to go through it when we get home and fold everything.

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