Idk I just felt like writing the first little bit and then I just decided to continue lol so yw ig

Spencer Reid

"Hey, Morgan?" I ask quietly, not wanting to bother anyone else on the plane.

"Yeah, kid, what's up?" He breathes as he gets comfortable in his seat.

"Do you remember the one time years ago when you asked if I was okay? It was when we were working the one case where the unsub was killing the people and hacked into their social media and photoshopped pictures in them?" I ask and he nods. 

"That was two days after Bryn gave birth to our first baby." I smile sadly, fiddling with my book on the table.

"What do you mean? Atlas wasn't your first kid?" he questions and I shake my head.

"No, uh, we had another son before him, but he was diagnosed with osteogenesis imperfecta in the womb, so he didn't survive the birthing process."

"Reid, why are you telling me this?" He asks quietly.

"I just always forget that I don't need to hide my family from you guys, so now there's so much you don't know and I just feel like I owe it to you." I shrug.

"You don't owe anything to us for trying to keep your family safe. Hell, your wife and unborn babies almost died because an old unsub got to them. No one judges you for your decision." He speaks gently.

"We were gonna name him Morgan Reid."

"Spencer." He gasps lightly and I let a chuckle past my lips.

"He would've turned 10 a little bit ago." I inform.

"I'm sorry, kid. You're only 33 and you have a lifetime of trauma." He reaches over to grab onto my hand, patting it.

"Derek, I've had trauma since I was a little kid. It's part of living for me. Not to mention, I pretty much signed up for it when I started this job. So did everyone else here." I laugh. "Plus, my family makes up for all of that."

"I always manage to forget that you have a family. It's just for so long, everyone thought it was just you, so now it's just-" he taps his head. "-stuck in there, y'know?"

"Yeah. I-" I'm cut off by the shrill of my phone, the ringtone a different default one-the one that Bryn set for me when we set it up. "Speaking of."

"Hey, sweetheart, you okay?" I question, tracing my finger over the table as I see Derek lean back slightly, a small smile on his face.

"Yeah, we're all good." Her sweet voice says softly. "The kids are in bed. I was just calling to see if you were gonna be home soon. I miss you." A grin is placed on my lips as I calculate how long we have until landing.

"Yeah, we're gonna be landing in like 10 minutes. I finished my paperwork earlier, so when we land I'm just gonna leave." I answer. "How are the little ones doing?"

She's just a day over 23 weeks, meaning the babies have been kicking for a little bit, gaining some power in their movements. They have been kicking her repeatedly recently and I'd always have to talk to them.

"Kicking again." She sighs lightly and I can imagine her rubbing her bump. "But not super bad."

"I can talk to them to try and calm them down if you want me to." I suggest.

"No, no. It's okay. It doesn't hurt or anything."


"I'll see you when you get home, okay?" She whispers, slight rustling in the background. She's probably laying down.

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