The timing is so off in this book lol I'm just gonna make it the beginning of may right now, making Bryn due date September 23.

Bryn Reid

"I still can't believe you threw us a baby shower." I laugh, sticking my arms out in front of me to make sure I don't run into anything as my eyes are covered.

"It's fun. Don't forget you also find out the gender." I can hear the grin in JJ's voice.

"Cant really forget." Spencer laughs, in the same situation as me. "Why are we not allowed to see?"

"Because it just makes it more fun." Derek says.

"Okay, we're gonna take our hands off, but don't open your eyes until I say so." JJ says and I nod.

Her hands fall away from my eyes, but I keep them closed until someone yells open.

I open my eyes and after they adjust to the light, I see a whole decorated house with pink and blue everywhere.

I laugh as Spencer ventures over, wrapping his arm around my shoulders, laughing with me.

There's tables with table cloths over them and everything on them with signs and different things all around with balloons tied together. The kids are all with Will and Savannah at Will's house, giving all of us a break to have some fun without the kids.

"Do you like it?" Penelope asks, clapping her hands together as she grins widely.

"It looks amazing, guys. Thank you." Spence laughs and I nod.

"So only Aaron knows the sex, right?" I ask and he nods. "When exactly are we gonna find that out?" I grin.

"Later. Right now, we are going to relax a bit and eat some food. Then we're going to play some fun games." Aaron smiles brightly, gesturing to the table full of food.

"I mean, I'm not complaining about that. Babies are making me hungry." I rub my belly and everyone laughs.

"Okay, so what do you think? Two boys, two girls, one girl one boy?" Dave asks me, holding up a pink and blue plate in one hand and a half pink half blue plate.

"Um, I'm gonna say two boys." I say and he hands me a blue plate before moving onto everyone else.

I gather some different kinds of food on my plate, ranging from turkey and noodles to grapes, grabbing a soda and sitting down at the table.

"After you get your food, write when you think the babies are going to be born. If you say that they're both boys, use blue, same for girls, if both, write in both colors." Penelope says, pointing to a calendar with the month of September, the end of august at the top.

On the 23rd, is written in black, 'due date'. I pick august 28th, because I know that with twins the regular time is 38 weeks, but I've been early with both kids.

I write my name in blue marker before I sit down, starting on my food.

"You excited to find out the genders?" Emily asks as she sits next to me after marking the date.

"Yeah, but at the same time, I really don't care." I shrug, rubbing my belly lightly, jumping slightly as a baby kicks.

"You okay, honey?" Spencer asks and I nod.

"Yeah. One just decided to kick the other." I laugh and he presses a kiss to my head before walking over and choosing a date.

"This is really weird." I comment after everyone settles in a seat.

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