Bryn Reid (five weeks later also kind of pushing through the pregnancy of his chapter)

"Ow, Spence can you please talk to your baby? It always calms down with you and it's really kicking today." I grunt as it kicks again.

"Yeah, put me on speaker." He says and I do, placing the speaker on my belly as it kicks harder.

"Ow, dude give me a second to get your father." I mutter to myself, Spencer laughing in the background.

"Hey, kiddo. It's daddy, I'm sorry I'm not there with you and your mommy and brother, but I'll be back in a few hours. I need you to stop kicking mommy so hard, I mean you can be a soccer player, but you're gonna have to wait another year or so until you can walk and kick the ball." He says, and the baby calms at his voice.

"It's working, keep it coming." I beg, chatter in the background.

"Ugh, I can't. I have to go get on the plane, but I love you both, and I'll see you guys when I get home later. Hold back the kicking for me please, kiddo. Give your mommy a well-deserved break."

"Okay, we love you too." I say, "ow."

He hangs up with a small laugh and I set my phone down, looking back up to the tv. The baby keeps kicking like it's trying to get out, but I try to ignore it as best as I can.

Atlas approved of the house the day that we showed it to him, so we went and signed the papers the few days after that and then we moved in. There were a few bottles of wine passed along everyone, obviously excluding me and Spencer as well as the kids.

Atlas was running around with a wine-drunk Derek, having the time of his life. We aren't really big on having our kids around drunk people, but wine-drunk Derek was just a slap happy Derek who loved playing tag with the kids.

We ended up fully furnishing the house within three weeks and we started unpacking last week. We have a few boxes here and there, but we're doing a thing where we all open one box a day, opening an extra for baby.

When Spencer is gone, we call him and open a box for him together.

"Hey, mama, when will dad be home?" Atlas asks, jumping on the couch next to me.

"A few hours yet. He just got in the plane, so however long it takes to get from Texas here and then pack his stuff up and drive here." I shrug, wrapping an arm around his shoulders.

"I miss him." He whispers.

"I do, too. But he's out there saving lives everyday. Your dad is a hero, so do you think it is worth it to miss him for these few days?"

"Yeah. Is it weird when I say that I'm proud of him? I mean, I'm his son." His brows furrowing.

"You look just like your dad when you do that, but no. Everyone in the world should be proud of him." I reassure.

"Even my little brother?"

"Bud, I've told you this, we don't know if it's a boy yet." He rolls his eyes playfully. "But yes, even the baby."

"I'm home!" A deep voice says in a sing-song.

"Dad!" Atlas screams, jumping up and running to the mud room.

"Hey, buddy." He laughs loudly.

I waddle over to them with a grin as he sets his son down.

"Hey, baby." He grins brightly, wrapping me in a big hug. "Did the baby calm down for you?"

"Yeah. We were talking and they like other voices apparently." I shrug as he kicks off his shoes.

"Of course, they like every other voice than yours. Okay, so. Do you guys want to go out and get food with the team? They all want to have at least one dinner with us all until you get too big to do anything." He says. "Their words, not mine."

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