Todoroki; BNHA

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Only you

Pairing: Todoroki x Reader

Pronouns: none used but male reader implied; use of brother tho

Content: you're Katsukis twin brother, cursing, fluff

Description: maybe you and Katsuki are more alike then Shoto thought.



You walked down the halls of UA, many voices ringing in your ears and different discussions being had all around you.

As the voices of the people around you got louder you swiftly put your headphones in. Too much noise got you easily frustrated and angry, and while your parents knew you were just as hot-headed as your brother, the people at school didnt.

Speaking of your brother, he was only a few feet away from you. "Oi dumbass over here!"

The sound of your brothers voice swiftly took you out of your pleasent daydream, and as you look up Katsuki is glaring at you while holding a scared Midoriya down.

"What do you need?" You say, annoying laced in your voice but Katsuki was the only one who noticed since you said it so quietly.

"This bitch is telling me you arent as hot-headed as i am, and even though i am very calm and racional, i know you arent! Its like he'stelling me you AREN'T my brother"

"Well, Midoriya is right. Katsuki, we dont have the same personality"

"The fuck do you mean we dont have the same personality? WE'RE TWINS"

"Seems like you havent taken even one science class, no wonder you fail your tests sometimes" you grumble under your breath. Thankfully no one caught you or heard you say it but Katsuki isnt in the wrong, the both of you fight a lot at home only playfully though.

Even so, you and Katsuki are much more alike then people think. You just keep it on the down low around other people that arent family.

As Katsuki let go of Midoriya he looks back at you, as you look at both Midoriya and Shoto and see that they dont have their eyes on you, you nudge Katsuki rather hard.

He immediatly tensed up and blew sparks at you, thankfully you dodged right on time. Immediatly since Katsuki had activated his quirk, you decided to activate yours as well. Effectively tripping him and making him hit face down on the floor.

You look up and are met with Shoto giving you a "what just happened?" look. And you shrug with a smile, pulling your hands into your pockets and walking over to a cafeteria table.

Shoto followed you, but Midoriya did not. He tried to help your brother up even though he knew that would bring him a ninety nine percent chance of getting hit right in the face.

As you sit down to eat some ramen Shoto sits down in front of you.

"I saw what you did" Shoto says, eyes piercing through you. While he probably didn't mean to sound so intimidating, it was a little shocking to hear him say that.

"Pardon?" You say while getting your chopsticks ready, hoping he didnt mean what you think he meant.

"You tripped him"

Oh okay, he defently meant what you think he meant.

You almost spit out some of the ramen in your mouth, thankfully nothing went flying everywhere. You let out a chocked laugh at the seriousness in his face and voice, you never thought he'd be worried for Katsuki of all people.

"Whats so funny?" He says, eyebrows furrowed.

"I just, I didnt think you'd be worried about Katsuki that much" You were still chocking a little bit, coughing from time to time and trying to drink water to alleviate the pain.

"Im not worried about him, im just interested in you. Why did you do that?"

Interested in you? Well thats certainly something you werent expecting.

You and Shoto met quite a long time ago and throughout the years, you guys didnt talk too much. Only this year did your friendship actually start growing, but you had never invited him back to your place to actually let him see how you usually act around family or close friends outside of school.

So it came as a shock to hear him say, interest.

When Shoto said that you stayed still for a second and had to register everything. Which left him confused since you just say their like a robot.

He calls out your name and you finally snap back, you give him a smile and answer.

"Well i guess its time you know a little more about me but uhm, me and Katsu are more alike then you probably think"

To that statment Shoto tilts his head confused.

You keep on explaining, "like you already know we're twins, and while hes much more hot-headed on the outside, im not. I usually try to keep my cool around the school but im very different when im at home, sometimes I slip up and act like i usually do at home. Like right then, i tripped my brother. I usually can say some mean stuff like him as well when we're outside but its because we both just dont know how to actually communicate well"

"I see" Shoto says, it looked like the cogs in his brain were turning at a rapid pace and he looked very concentrated. "If you try to hide it then, why did you tell me about all of this?"

"Because i trust you enough. Im interested in you as well, we should hang out some more"

"You trust me?"

A small blush hit his cheeks and he looked incredibly cute in that moment. It made you smile, it looked like he hadnt heard those words before, or at least not in a long time.

"Yes, i trust you Shoto" and as you said that he looked down, hands covering his face as he blushed more.

"So...who else have you told this too"

"No one, just you"

And if only you knew but those simple words hit Shoto like a train, an even bigger blush appearing on his face. Its been so long since someone trusted him into keeping a secret or a promise, he truly felt like you trusted him.

It was nice, Shoto liked this.

He also liked the feelings that started surfacing for you as well.

[1020 words; feb 5, 2020]

Ehm update, requests are gunna be open for like 2.5 seconds. Ive gotten one request, im open for two more. If you do want to request please request right here and if you see that two people already requested pls do not request since i wont be able to write it for you :[

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