Childe; Genshin Impact

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Big Brother

Pairing: Childe x Reader

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Pairing: Childe x Reader

Pronouns: he/him

Content: so much fluff, teucer being the best as he usually is

Description: you had an unexpected visitor, but you don't mind, he helped you bake brownies so

Note: I love childe sm...............thats it gn. Here's a happy (late) valentines gift btw!



There he sat, bright eyes looking up at you, and a big smile. He giggled when he saw your confused expression, it had been some time since you had gotten to see him after all.

You kneel down to give him a big hug, he immedoatly grabbed onto your clothes, now you had to hold onto him or he'd fall.

As he looks up at you again you quirk your head to the side.

"Bubba, what are you doing here?"

"I came back to see you and my brother!"

"Didnt Childe tell you to not go alone next time?"

"Well...yeah, but im all grown up now so I decided to do it again"

His smile was so big it hurt to reject him in any way, especially if you had to tell him to go back.

"Teucer its only been a year" You say with a small laugh.

He gives you a small hop and crosses his arms, giving you a small frown but it quickly vanished when he noticed the smell coming from the kitchen.

You both still stood at the front of the door but Teucer immediatly ran out of your arms when he smelled the delicious scent that is brownies.

You close the door behind you before going back to the kitchen, Teucer now trying to jump to see what you were trying to bake.

"What is this?" He says while landing a finger in the brownie mixture.

You quickly wipe the excess mixture off his finger before he could lick it, trying to make sure he didnt get sick because of the raw materials in the mixture.

"I was uhm...trying to make brownies for your brother"

As soon as Teucer heard the words brownie and brother together his eyes sparkled. He immediatly jumped up and down, almost making a few ingredients fall off the counter.

He kept repeating 'can I help?' Until you gave him an answer and he immediatly tried to climb the counter.

You grabbed him and decided that it was best he just sat on the counter and helped you that way.

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