Diluc; Genshin Impact

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Lovers at Shore

Pairing: Diluc x Reader

Pronouns: none used, gn

Content: dILUC IS A MERMAID, fluff, so much romance, its cute, short fic

Description: each time you meet up with your lover, it feels like you fall more in love with him.

Note: gatta thank my friend for this once, they were in pain while i wrote this, shout out to u bro


The sound of sand crunching beneath your feet and the smell of the ocean greeted you warmly as you set foot on the beach. There wasnt much wind, but the small breeze was still nice. There weren't many or actually any people at all around you, which made for a perfect opportunity for you to visit your boyfriend.

As you sat down near the shore, on a rather large rock, said boyfriend poked his head from under the water. Vibrant red hair a perfect contrast to the color of the water.

"Hello honey" you say with a small smile, greeting your lover with a kiss on the forehead.

He hadn't fully risen from the water so he gave you a gurgled response back, but as soon as he lofted his arms up and pushed himself closer to you, rather cold lips met yours.

The kiss was short but nice. He smelled nice, even if he was underneath the water for most of the day, and his lips felt nice against yours.

"Mm, mornin' sweetheart" he muttered against your lips. Not wanting to pull back, his arm grabbed at the back of your neck as he kissed you some more, effectively soaking your clothes and now much more colder then you were when you first got there.

"It isnt morning Diluc" you said with a laugh. Diluc usually slept for longer then he should and sometimes he doesn't notice at what hour he wakes up.

At this point the sun was setting, how can this man sleep so much?

A groan came out of you as Diluc's tail swipes water at you, and as you splash him with some water back you hear him chuckle, it made your heart swell a little bit.

As you try to wring out some of the water that was in your clothes, Diluc puts his arms in your lap and looks up at you, eyes filled with nothing but admiration and love.

Thankfully you didn't notice, and as you huff out, he stops looking at you and looks around sheepishly.

Picking up a random shell that was beside him, he inspects it thouroughly as he tries to let out a few words which were more affectionate then he could handle, atleast not with some embarrasment at least.

He had never fall for someone like you, especially someone who wasnt even the same species as him.

He never felt like this.

Atleast not until he met you.

"You know.....i missed you darling"

And as he says that, a scaled hand reaches up to settle on your cheek, rough hands stroking your skin softly.

"I missed you too my love, im glad we got to see eachother again" You close your eyes as you say that, treasuring the moment your having with him right now.

As you keep your eyes closed, another hand rests on your other cheek, and Diluc brings your face closer to his.

Your breath hitches as he leaves kisses all over your face, leaving you a blushing mess.

Its as if you were highschool sweathearts or something, you were so smitten with him.

Both your lips met eachother once again, and Diluc wished he could stay with you forever.

[603 words; Feb/6/2020]

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