Azula; A:tla

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Dont forget about me

Pairing: Azula x Reader

Pronouns: male reader; he/him

Warnings: reader gets burned

Description: you didn't think it would end up this way.

Note: AHAHDL im back, bad news though ill only be able to update once or twice a week I'm sorry :(


The Kyoshi warriors had just gotten here but you could already feel her eyes boring into your back.

What exactly are they trying to do?

You wish you knew.

Turning around you swiftly walk the hallways, your hands clasped behind your back and your gaze fixed on one of the few Kyoshi warriors.

The one and only Azula, though, you didn't know that at the moment.

You shoot her a smile as you walk and she sends you an awkward forced smile back.

You give out a chuckle as you keep walking and you here her arguing with, who you think, are her friends and also partners in battle.

The kings demand for you does not go unnoticed by you and you rush over to the throne completely forgetting about any other duty you had.

You can feel the stare in the back of your head but you don't turn around to look. The King complains to you and rambles on about certain stuff that you didn't pay attention to at that moment.

As the King finishes his rambling he urges you to get him a cup of tea and you smile politely, bowing and rushing out of the room as quickly as you can.

As you walk down the hall to go get the King a cup of tea a soft hand placed itself on your right shoulder.

You dont panic, giving the Kyoshi Warrior a small hum and keep on walking.

"Heyyy handsome calm down for a second I cant keep up with you" Ty Lee's cheerful voice echoes through the hall along side both of your footsteps. 

"Is there anything you need from me? Unfortunately I can't help you at the moment as I have other tasks but I can ask another servant to help you"


The face she made almost made you chuckle but you tried to stay composed.

After that little chit chat she tries to make conversation with you. Asking more about you, your likes, your dislikes, what kind of people you like..?

The walk wasnt long but it felt like it was. You both stop at the entrance of the kitchen and she gives you a big smile before skipping of to who knows where.

You huff as you make the King some tea. Your breath hitches as you suddenly burn yourself. Quickly you run to get under some water but you bump into someone unexpectedly.

The two of you grunt as the collision make the both of you almost fall to the ground. The other person quickly grabbing your hand, making the burn hurt even more.

Your breath hitches and you hiss in pain once again as you try to contain the pain. A hand, not as soft as the ones Ty Lee had, grabs your burned one.

"Geez how did you do that"

Azula's face forms into a grimace as she sees your hand, it was red. Even those with a high pain tolerance wouldn't like this.

While she was paying attention to your hand you are as confused as ever. You barely talked why does she seem worried?

"Ill be fine, keep on doing whatever you were doing"

You try to pry your hand away but her grip is strong and it hurts your hand.

She glares at you, "come with me i can help"

You huff but still follow her. She brings you to a sink and tells you to wait there.

A few minutes pass and she comes back , now with bandages in her hand.

A silence falls between the both of you as she treats your wound.

"You're very good at this" you're shocked, even though she was a warrior you didn't expect her to be this good.

"I'm a fir-" as soon as she started her sentence she stopped.

"What was that?"


She almost ratted herself out right then and there, that would ruin her plan in just seconds.

Talking about ruining plans, you yourself are also ruining them.

Ever since she got to the Palace you have been her biggest distraction , sometimes she can barely focus.

She's tried to stop herself, her father would never approve of this. Especially someone that isnt even a fire bender.

She cant, theres no way.

As she finishes bandaging up your hand you smile at her and give her a thank you.

The feelings and butterflies in her stomach and in the moment don't go unnoticed by her.


It's been around a month since that happens, you've gotten a little closer and you've grown quite some feelings for Azula.

Her friends notice and they tell her but she refuses to acknowledge that fact.

Everytime they try and get you together she refuses , she's too stubborn.

Azula's true colors show and you find out who she actually is. She's not even a Kyoshi Warrior.

But you still had feelings for her, why?

After everything you just stood in your chambers, confused.

The door creaks open and you're met with Azulas face.

Her face is expressionless but theres some pity in her eyes.

"I know you probably hate me but..I wanted to say goodbye"

"You're leaving?"

"I have to go, I have things to do"

She takes careful steps before sitting down beside you on your bed, hand painstkingly close to yours.

You look down with a sad smile, "I guess this is goodbye for now"

"For now" she says

Her hand creeps up to yours and you intertwines your hands together.

You sit there in silence as you both hold hands.

She gives you a peck on the cheek, "I'll see you again, dont forget about me"

And she leaves, for the time being that is.

[999 words; sep/27/2020]

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