Zuko; A:tla

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Scared Confessions

Pairing: Zuko x Servant! Reader

Pronouns: male; he/him

Warnings: angst with happy ending, mentions of homophobia but nothing serious serious. Like one curse word.

Description: even if Zukos father didnt approve of your relationship, that wouldn't stop you guys from falling in love with eachother

Note: this was requested on tumblr and i just need to thank you because i love writing male reader and i also have the biggest crush on Zuko so win win


Another fight with his father, when he stormed out of the room he immediatly went looking for you.

Knowing you worked at the castle and defenetly had to be around somewhere made him calm down just a tiny bit

Seeing a familiar figure on one of the branches of the tree, he rushes over. Ignoring the people around him, including his sister who was yelling after him

Seeing the way he was making a bee line towards your figure she stops herself and rolls her eyes, turning around and going back to causing choas somewhere else.

He sighs and stumbles down, sitting on top of one of the big roots of the tree. Leaves and remaining droplets of water falling all around him

Zuko looks down at his hands, still shaky from anger and dissapointment in his fathers words and ideals

You drop down from your, might i add pretty comfortable, perch and crouch down to be at eye level with Zuko

You show a big grin, "didn't know pretty boy was going to accompany me on my lunch break"

Even though he was still mad he blushes at your comment

Sensing his, very strong, emotions right now your smile falters and you grab his hands

He looks back up at you, craning his neck

"Zuko, what happened?" Your eyes show nothing but kindness and concern for him, and it makes his heart ache

But now is not the time for his crush on you to surface and make him flustered

He stumbles around with his words and before he can say another word he sees you sit down on another big root of the tree, right beside him

You give him a warm smile, he sees you shuffle closer to him and before he can protest. You're grabbing his face in your hands

"Its okay Zuko we don't have to talk about it if you dont want to"

You sit down on the partially wet grass and pull Zuko towards you

He falls into your lap with a soft thud, if you werent careful his body coliding with yours might have knocked the wind out of you

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