Venti; Genshin Impact

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Unexpected Meetings

Pairing: Venti x Reader

Pronouns: he/him; male reader

Content: husband venti (not legally yalljust call each other that!), reader is zhongli's brother

Description: ventis tired of not being able to see you

Notes: request by swivydovy! Thank you so much !!


You huff as you reach the end of the trail, being met with a golden sunset and the harbor you oh so missed.

Walking down towards the entrance of the harbor you wave at those around you, how could they forget you?

Such a smart boy who lived his childhood in the harbor, you were always welcomed back with open arms no matter how much time had passed since your last visit.

You look ahead as you're met with a familiar face, Zhongli giving you a small smile as he walks up to you.

"Its good to see you again, brother"

"So formal Zhongli, you don't have to be like that with me" you say as you bring him into a tight hug.

Zhongli chuckles as he hugs you back, once you guys pull away he scans you over.

"You're covered In dirt, where have you been going through. Come, let's get you some new clothes"

You both walk through the harbor as he brings you to where he now stayed and let you clean up. The two of you talked happily as you chatted about what was now happening and how things have been going.

Back in Mondstadt, there was a not so Venti.

He was having his regular drink at tavern but he couldn't shake the thought of you away.

He missed you and it showed in his attitude.

Soon he felt a hand on his shoulder and two figures behind him.

Kaeya and Rosaria stood behind him as he looks up at them, "Venti are you okay? You're not acting like you usually do"

Venti only nodded as he took a sip from his drink, he didnt even look like he was enjoying the drink.

The two of them sit beside him, now extremely worried.

"Venti you can talk to us if needed okay? You're usually so cheery" the two had concerned faces plastered on their faces.

Venti only nodded once again before asking for another drink.

Diluc strides over to them with the most unamused face ever, looking down at them with a glare, "what do you need"

"Some more dandelion wine please" Venti says lowly as he looks down at the bar.

Diluc's glare softens as he notices Ventis demeanor, no one in the tavern understood the reason for this attitude. They knew him as the cheerful and bubbly Venti not... this.

Diluc quietly serves Venti, not even putting it on his bill this time.

All of them look at each other and they see Venti sulk even more.

That is until the taverns door opens and in comes one of the guards, "Venti, this is for you." He says as he hands him an engraved letter

Venti snatches as fast as possible, already recognizing the engravements and knowing exactly who it's from. He needed no more explanation.

The guards eeyes widen as he sees the letter get snatches, quietly leaving in shock.

Venti opens it rapidly as his eyes shine, he reads the letter in a rush probably skipping some words in the process.

He gasps and soon rushes off the tavern stool.

Running out the door not even caring about the big gust of wind it caused and having the tavern door smash into the wall.

Diluc then put the drink back on Ventis bill.

Like Venti could care though, he only keeps on running. Out of Mondstadt's gates and into your arms instead.

He grips onto you so incredibly tightly it feels like he's about to rip the seams of your clothes.

The two of you embrace each other tightly, you almost fall back from how fast Venti had ran into you.

He lets out a slight hiccup into your shoulder, on his tip-toes as he reaches to place his head in the nape of your neck.

He didn't care about having to reach up to hug you, he didn't care about crying in front of other people, he only cared about you right now.

You hug him righted and say a small hello and your lungs get squished by the hug.

Venti grabs your cheeks with both of his hands as he looks at you, "don't ever do that again I missed you so much"

You let out a chuckle at his response before a placing a kiss on his lips.

He sighs into the kiss and he feels like he's on cloud 9, he had missed you so so much, it was becoming painful not being able to see you.

It had been months since he had last seen you.

You always kept different forms of communication, but it was never enough.

The two of you keep hugging and kissing in front of the gates, not even noticing the group of Ventis friend piling up right behind you guys.

A loud cough intteruots the twos of you guy's embrace.

You look up as you see the confused faces of Ventis friends.

You only give them a smile as a greeting as Venti kept hugging you.

They had obviously seen you hugging and kissing, there wasn't much of a secret anymore.

It really wasn't a secret from the beginning, you both just didn't think ouch of it and didn't announce it to anyone.

"So- who are you?" A blue haired man with an eye patch asks you. You assumed he was Kaeya, the captain who Venti always told you was his drinking buddy.

You already knew everyone's names, Venti talked about his friends a lot. And he talked a lot about you too, they just didn't know you were his boyfriend.

"He's my husband" venti says as he snuggles up to you more.

Everyone's faces pale, husband?

They didn't know Venti was married, he never even had a ring on.

You interupt their thinking as you pat Ventis head and chuckle once again, "we're not legally married we just call each other that, but perhaps some day"

At that they let out a shaky breathe, but they were still in shock.

They ask why they never met you and you explain it to them.

You were always traveling, never in one place. You visited Liyue and Mondstadt as much as you could but it wasn't always for long periods of time. No one knew of you, atleast no one in Ventis life. They had no clue you both were dating, they didn't didn't know you guys were so close you already called you each other husband's.

But soon enough they got accustomed to your prescence and soon enough you sat at the tavern with all of them, having a drink and chatting with them all as you and Venti clinged to each other. 

Unexpected Meetings aren't always too bad, you thought. You were worried they might have not liked you, but you were so far from the truth.

[1185; oct/7/21]

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