Ririka; Kakegurui

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Gamble with me

✧ Pairing: Ririka x Male!Reader

✧ Pronouns: male; he/him

✧ Warnings: gambling, group of guys being weird, one curse word or two

✧ Description: you try to ease your girlfriends stress with a gamble and the winner gets all the affection for the day

✧ Note: already established relationship plus this was requested by diamondwol3 thank you so much for the request! sorry if it seems a little bit out of character i haven't watched kakegurui in a loNG time

You wander through the school halls, trying to ignore as many people as possible. It wasn't because you were scared of anybody or something, you weren't a house pet either. But you weren't here for gambling, and it wasn't your cup of tea.

You were only there for your girlfriend, Ririka.

You moved to the school not too long ago but became pretty popular when you there because people found out you were dating Ririka and you were not that bad of a gambler.

Some people were surprised at how you could even talk to Ririka, some found her intimidating because of that mask of hers and how she acted around others sometimes.

And while you didn't mind the stares and  popularity that much, you weren't too fond of gambling even if you were good at it. The only gambling you actually liked was when you gambled with your girlfriend and you both had good bets.

You suddenly hear someone calling your name, you look up and some people you defenetly don't know are right in front of you.

"You're Ririkas boyfriend right?"


One of the guys in the group who asked you the question turned to his right and shouted, "see I told you he was dating her!"

The other guy who got shouted at turned to you and asked, "is that so? Mind for a game? Winner gets to talk to your girlfriend~"

"No fucking way, your sick" you say shocked, knowing talking is defenetly not what they wanted to do with Ririka.

"Come on" he whines

"Get away from me and don't even try getting near Ririka, im leaving"

Your hung your head low and walked away from them, knowing they only wanted to meet her because of her status and her being vice president.

When you turned a curve you bumped into a familiar mask and white hair, when you look up you start talking and acting like nothing happened just a few seconds ago.

"Ririka hey!" You were surprised to see her, you hadn't seen her all day so when you about to hug her and she darts off you got just a tiny bit upset.

But you don't give up you chase after her, running through the halls and trying to get her attention by shouting her name

People were looking at you but that's fine

"Ririka~ come back where are you going??"

She suddenly stops and you bump right into her almost falling back.

She grabs your wrist to catch you and starts talking, "(Y/N) this is not a good time! Please go talk to someone else ill be with you later"

You sigh and grasp her hands, interlocking them with yours.

"I know your busy but can't you take a break for one second?"


"Why not?"

"Because one second will turn into one hour" she says sighing trying to tug her hands away from yours

"And what about it, come on, you cant just live your life only being a vice-president" you say tightening your grasp on her hands

"But Kirari needs me to-"

You cut her off, "Kirari can do it herself or get someone else to do it". If she heard you saying that you'd be six feet underground.

All of a sudden you grab her mask pulling it off her face and putting into your bag, making sure she can't get to it.

Her serious front fell and she looked up at you surprised.

You kiss her forehead and smile, "let loose sometimes, don't be so tense. I know you're the vice-president and everything but that doesn't mean you cant live a normal life"

"Now come with me"

You grab her hands and keep walking through the halls looking for a gambling room that wasn't occupied.

After a few minutes of searching you finally found one that was completely occupied.

You walk in and start setting the table

"What are you doing?" Ririka asks

"Sit down, were going to play a game"

Knowing she isn't going to get out of this situation Ririka sighs and sits down on the other side of the table asking, "what are the rules?"

"If I win, you have to spend the whole day with me. If you win I at least get to walk around with you I promise I wont annoy you! That is, only if you win" you say chuckling

She huffs and picks up a card and examines it, "what are we playing?"

"Easy game of rock, paper, scissors~"

Ririka was right, one second turned into almost a whole hour of playing

Both of you got pretty competitive while playing but in the end luck and skill was on your side and you won

"Yes! Your mine for the day, don't even try getting out of this" you say with a big grin on your face going over to her side and hugging her close

She grumbles and rest her head on your chest trying to hide her blush, knowing you would fluster her even more if you saw it

As much as she was complaining and mumbling things she had to do, deep down she knew she needed rest too so she accepted the care you were giving to her.

Her arms wrap around your waist and you grab her head so you can start peppering kisses on her face, ending with a kiss on her lips

Slowly her small pout turned into a smile and you spent the whole day together and even though Kirari wasn't too happy about it you decided to ignore her and take care of Ririka instead

[1020 words; july/17/2020]

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