Howl; Howl's Moving Castle

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Morning Cuddles

Pairing: Howl x Reader

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Pairing: Howl x Reader

Pronouns: he/him

Content: calcifer rambling, domestic, G A Y

Description: domestic mlm, chefs kiss

Note: I watched Howls Moving Castle a few days ago and he gave me such big mlm vibes that I had to do this immediately.


Different sounds ran throughout the whole castle. Pots clanging, Calcifer rambling, things falling from time to time.

All very familiar and, in a way, homely sounds. You were used to them after all, it happened on the daily and you wouldn't have it any other way.

Calcifer kept on rambling on as you clean up in the kitchen and start preparing breakfast.

"Why can't Howl move this god damn castle by himself, I always have to be doing all the hard work you know? Its infuriating, im an incredibly powerful fire demon and this is how he treats me. You know, you should be helping me man, but of course Howl probably got you wrapped around his finger, eh?"

He said that to you atleast once a day, maybe each few hours as well. At this point you learned to drone out the sound of his voice, knowing he won't stop unless you somehow get him out of there.

Its been years and he still does it, he acts as if he wasnt the one who decided to stay. After all him and Howl werent "connected" anymore. If he wanted to leave, he could whenever he wanted.

You werent very concerned or even trying to get him out so, he'll have to wait.

Suddem footsteps were heard, and as you look up a figure walks down.

Coat hanging off his shoulders, dark hair draping his face, there stood Howl. Beautiful as ever, there was never a chance where he couldn't take your breath away.

"Hello, darling" he says while walking behind you.

Giving you a kiss on the cheek before nuzzling into you. Warm cheek resting on your shoulder.

"Good morning love" you say while cracking some eggs.

Calcifer reaches his fiery hands from underneath the pan, effectively swiping at you jokingly while shouting, "hey im still here ya know?!"

Howl lets out a laugh before pressing a kiss to your neck and moving off of you, giving a greeting to Calcifer and then moving on to helping you with breakfast.

"Now now Calcifer, is it a crime to show some affection to my husband, hm?"

Calcifer grumbles before shoving his face down under the pan, no longer wanting to talk to the two of you.

Howl chuckles at his antics and decided to annoy him more, grabbing your face and spreading kisses everything.

Cheeks, forehead, nose, eyelids, you name it. In the end he plants a soft kiss on your lips and almost makes you forget you were cooking in that moment.

You playfully push his chest a little so you guys could stop and actually prepare some breakfast but he whines, he didnt want to.

In a snap of his fingers you now both sat at a small sofa near the kitchen, him cuddling you and nuzzling his face back into the nape of your neck.

"Howl the food-"

As soon as you say that different ingredients start floating and in the blink of an eye your breakfast is making itself.

Not something that didnt occur, but it certainly wasn't how you normally prepared breakfast. Howl, of course, being how he is he just wanted your attention at the moment.

He got incredibly clingy when it was morning time.

"You better cuddle your husband or ill become your ex-husband soon enough" he says mumbling against your skin.

Of course, as dramatic as always.

You start stroking his hair and he lets out a small sigh.

You now rested on the sofa with Howl on top of you. Giving him a small kiss on the top of his head before resting your chin on top of it. You could already imagine the contempt smile he had on his face right now, life has been so good since you met.

Of course, nothing is perfect, but you were both there for eachother countless of times.

Soft music played in the background as the both of you cuddle on the sofa, it very faint but you could stoll hear it.

And in that moment you felt complete bliss, what a life you lived.

[734 words; feb/22/21]

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