Toge; Jujutsu Kaisen

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Pairing: Toge Inumaki

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Pairing: Toge Inumaki

Pronouns: he/him

Content: short, fluff, toge being scared to talk

Description: Toge needs attention or he will d i e

Note: this was a request on tumblr and im very sorry its short but im still get used to the limited wording I could do with him! In the future I might write a oneshot where he writes on a book or something for communications :D Translations for his words are at the bottom!



Toge greets you warmly, throwing his arms around you and giving you a small hug from behind.

You tense up for only a second, recognizing the pale arms now infront of you.

Closing the book in your hands, you place a small bookmark, careful as to not lose your place.

"Toge, you came back earlier then i expected. Did the mission go well?"


And with that he places himself in your lap while taking the book from your hands.

"Hey i was reading that-"

He gives you a small glare and throws the book somewhere else. Probably bringing a crack to the spine but he didn't care even one bit.

As you look at the book and groan, Toge grabs a hold of your clothes and shakes you a bit. Effectively making you groan even louder and moving back and forth.

"Cod roe..."

You look back at him with a pout before analazying why hes doing this.

"Do you want attention?"

"Salmon salmon salmon"

He repeats it over and over again as his eyes light up. Giving you quick confirmation that he indeed wanted attention.

You unzip lightly the top of his jacket and he immediatly shuts his mouth, worried he wiuld cause sone danger to you on accident.

It was heart wrenching that he was so scared to spill even a word at you but you aimed to be able to make him more comftorable with you, you were his boyfriend after all. It was only fair you could ease his worries somehow.

As he shrinks back a small bit from you, you place your hands by his sides. Gripping his waist and bringing him towards you again, you plant a small kiss on the side of his lip.

His cheeks turn a bright red as he smushes his face into your chest, any type of affection was foreign to him. Even though you had kissed him many times before and that certainly wasn't the only affectionate thing you did, it still always caught him off guard somehow.

As he looks away from you after putting some distance between the two of you, you were really able to admire how pretty your boyfriend was. Whether it be on the field or because of practice, you werent always able to notice the small things in life. You were all quite busy after all.

But at the moment, you took the time to notice how pretty Toge really was.

"You're so pretty.." you say while looking at him with stars in your eyes, if anyone where to see the both of you right now they'd probably groan and say something along the lines of "puppy love". But you both could just quite not give any cares for what they thought, you were both quite in love.

"Bonito flakes.." Toge says while biting the inside of his cheeks. He didnt mind when you complimented him but it certainly was something just as new as affection and it made him a blushing mess as well.

As his face turns more and more red, you pepper more and more kisses all over his skin.

The feeling of your lips placing kisses all over made him let out a small giggle and he tries to push you away since it tickled but you just wouldn't stop.

You stop once you notice how his chest rises up and down rapidly from giggling.

As he catches his head you smile and press a small kiss to the top of his head. He soon presses his face into your neck and hugs you, wanting as much of your attention as posible.

"Do you want to go get some food, love?"

He nods, face still pressed into your chest.



[708 words; feb/27/21]

[708 words; feb/27/21]

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