What about angels || Sprace

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"Racer! Open up!" Jack hit the door with as much force that his fists could give. There was no sound coming from the other side of said door, except for an occasional klink of a bottle hitting the table. The leader sighed as he looked around, helpless. His eyes locked with those of the dark haired boy they had met days before the strike.
"How long has he been in there?" The ever voice of reason asked while Jack leaned with his head against the cold, dark wood.
"Specs saw him walking in with a bottle in hand. Tried to talk to him, but I don't think it went better than this." He responded while gesturing to the room behind the door with his right hand, his left still in a tight fist from not only anger, but also desperation. "C'mon Racer. Open the door." He whispered, knowing that the boy on the other side wouldn't do it. "I just want to talk with you. Just a little chat. Tell me what's wrong." He was loosing his patience quite quickly now, for the fear that something bad was happening overtook him. "Open the hell up, Racer! I'm not asking again!" A gentle hand rested on his shoulder, not Davey's for the boy had been distracted by his now 10-year-old little brother. Jack looked up at the direction from where the hand had come. He made a low snarling noise as the redhead of the group tried to pull him away from the door.

Everyone knew how much the boys meant to Jack, no one ever questioned it, but sometimes, just sometimes, even Jack would lose his patience and with that his temper. Most of the boys had already learned not to get him worried to greatly, much to Jack's annoyance, but in moments like these, with the health and happiness of one of his brothers at stake, he wasn't the best person to stand outside a room not going to be let in.
Even though Jack's snarl seemed threatening to most who didn't know him, Albert knew how to handle it. He knew how Jack was going to react, he knew how the person in the other room might react, having been that person several times, and he knew what he should do.
As he pulled Jack away from the door, the leader's fist connecting one last time with the wooden surface, he made his way to the brunette's front. Now able to actually see the panicked expression on the normally determined, but relaxed, face, Albert made quick work of wrapping him in a hug. Sure, Jack wouldn't return it at the moment, always trying to get to the damn door that was keeping them all from their brother, but it restricted Jack's movements as his arms were trapped at his side. Albert's ear was pressing against Jack's chest, the probably to fast heartbeat drumming on the inside of his skull. His eyes on the other hand were searching the room for someone to help him. When he finally made eye contact, Ike being the lucky fellow, he made a gesture so the boy, his twin automatically following, came over.
"Two things." He got right to the point, since he was getting a harder time keeping Jack in check. "First get Tommy Boy here. Second, go get Conlon. I don't know where the asshole is and what he's done now, but we need him." Albert wasn't normally one to give orders, leaving that to either Jack, Race or Specs, but since the first two were in no state to give orders and the later had been busy keeping the younger ones in check, he had no other choice. Both twins nodded as they sprinted out of the room, which was now empty, except for Jack, a panicking Les, an, although not for the same reason, equally panicking Davey and himself. 
"Let go of me, Albert." Jack demanded as he tried to brake loose from the slightly smaller boy's arms. 
"You now I can't do that, Jack. I need you to breath and think logically. Getting angry isn't going to get us anywhere." Albert tried to reason while holding Jack tighter as the older boy had almost gotten away.
"I'm going to break that fucking door down." 
"And then what, Jack? What are you going to do after that?" Albert questioned as he looked up at the now tear stained face of the one who he proudly called his older brother.
"Then I'll- then I'll-" He didn't know. "I don't know. I just need to be fucking in there." 
"There's no way of getting in there." A different voice came from behind Jack. Albert looked past the leader's shoulder and smiled slightly at Tommy Boy, who had come to aid him. 
"Exactly. Besides, we're not letting you in there while behaving like a maniac." Albert let go of the grip he had on Jack, knowing that he had Tommy Boy at his side if, when, things went south. Jack sight, looking a little defeated. With a slight smile Albert relaxed a bit. The leader, though, took this as an opportunity and tried to rush past the red head. His action was stopped though by the ever alert Tommy Boy, who had taken hold of Jack's wrist, turning the leader's arm up his back so it hurt just slightly. 
"Not a chance." He whispered in Jack's ear as he began leading him away from the door into an empty room. Albert let out a heavy sigh as he watched them leave. Taking a quick look around the room, he now noticed he was entirely alone. The Jacobs' must have left at some point, probably to help calm Les. He slid down the wall next to the door keeping him from his best friend while combing his hair with his hand. 
"Racer?" He asked quietly. "Jack's gone." Although Race had probably already heard, he still feel the need to tell him. "You know you can tell me what's wrong right?" Sobs sounded through the lodging house, but Albert wasn't sure if it was Race, Jack or one of the little kids (it could've been almost anyone actually). He just listened, his mind drifting in and out of reality as he grew tired. It had been a long day at work and he hadn't slept that well in days. Stressing over his best friend, his brother, hadn't been really helping either. His mind went to the first time he and Race had met. A cold January night. Race had been walking home from selling papers and had found Albert in an alley near the Brooklyn Bridge. That day was the day they had become friends and not long after best friends.

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