(No) one would care || Spralmer

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Lets have another sad Spralmer story, shall we. It takes place in highschool, but the four of them do live together in Medda's house. She had adopted all of the Newsies. It is especially about Albert and Elmer, but they are in the Spralmer relationship. (There is going to be some Spanish, but this is all google translate and I don't have the upside down ? so bare with me.) Enjoy.~ F

If I die tonight, no one would know, no one would care and no one would be sad. I just annoy people with who I am. I'm not enough for my boyfriends and I'm never going to be. They're better of without me. The world's better of without me.Albert sat on the bathroom floor. His hands were shaking and his bright red hair was a mess. He looked in the full body sized mirror that was opposite him. He really hated what he saw. His eyes were a bright red and there were tears of frustration running down his cheeks. It wasn't like the thing that had set this all of was something really big. No, it was the actual opposite. It was in their Spanish class, they had to give a presentation about a subject of their own choosing and Albert choose Alexander Hamilton. He was a 'secret' history geek, only his boyfriends knew this. Most of the people around him thought he was confident, strong, smart and a whole lot of other things, but that's not how he felt. And on that day everything seemed to go wrong. He felt nauseous, had a headache and was nervous as hell. He really did speaking Spanish, and was quite good in it, but that was mostly because of Spot. They often communicated together in Spanish.

"Estas listo?" The teacher asked him."Si." He said while nodding. "Mi presentación es sobre Alexander Hamilton." He then continued talking, but after one minute his power point shut down and he began stressing. The teacher gestured for him to continue, so he did, but it didn't go that well. He looked at Elmer, who was also in this class. Elmer looked with worried eyes at his boyfriend, which didn't really help his nerves. He began to notice that he was mumbling a lot, so he began to talk faster, trying to stop it, but it had the opposite effect. "Esa fue mi presentación, gracias por escucharme." He ended the presentation and took his seat next to Elmer. His boyfriend laid his hand on Albert's knee, rubbing circles with his thumb, trying to calm the boy down."Albert? Could you come over please?" The teacher called him over at the end of the class."I ruined it, didn't I?""Yes, I don't think you passed this presentation. The thing is that you can't re do it, but there is nothing to worry about. You're a good student and you've got good grades to compensate this one." Albert nodded, but stayed silent. He couldn't bare having failed this presentation, since it was something he loved to do and about a subject he really liked. Tears were forming in his eyes, but he chose to ignore them. He turned around and left the classroom. Elmer had been waiting out side for him, but he didn't say anything to him. He walked straight towards the mini-van that was standing ready for them in front of the school. He had been lucky that it had been the last lesson of that day, so he was able to leave that place right away. He sat in the back and Elmer took a place next to him. It wasn't long after that Race, Spot, Jack, Crutchie and JoJo got in the car, all of them chatting happily and laughing at each others jokes. Elmer was the only one to sit silent with his fingers intertwined with Albert's. His head was leaning on the redhead's shoulder and his eyes were closed, knowing that the boy wouldn't want to talk. All of the other boys seemed oblivious to what was happening inside the boy's brain.

Albert looked down at his hand. It held the small blade that Elmer had often used. He knew that if he was going to do it, it would've been a bad example to his boyfriend, who they tried to stop doing it, but it seemed so good at the moment. He remembered all of the times the had found Elmer on the bathroom floor, conscious and unconscious, after he had had a bad day and how much it had hurt him. But now, he could understand why he did it. It would be so much easier to just go. No more pain, sorrow or being a burden to his boyfriends. He didn't have to be someone else in front of the entire world, because he just wouldn't be there. He saw only two options: change or go."Albert?" A soft voice that came from the other side of the room pulled him back into the present."Go away, El." He whispered, but it was hard enough for Elmer to hear him. He hated to be like this to his boyfriend, so he found himself placing the small blade against his skin and making a small cut just above his wrist. It felt weird. Not good, not bad."Albert, what are you doing? You've been in there for a while now." Concern was evident in Elmer's voice. Albert hated that Elmer was worrying about him. He didn't deserve it."I'm fine." Albert cut another cut in his wrist when he noticed his voice was trembling. He did not deserve his boyfriends.

"No, you're not. Talk to me, Albie." Elmer whispered. He knew not to yell at him now. After all he went through himself, he knew how to help his boyfriend. He hoped at least. He leaned his head against the cold wood that was the door. He was fully aware that his blade was in that room and that Albert might have it."Leave it, Elmer." But Elmer didn't leave. He needed to be there for Albert, just like Albert had been there for him before.

Elmer was sitting on the floor, blood dripping from his wrists as he had made around ten cuts."Elmer?" He heard Albert's voice coming from the other side of the door."Are you in there?" Spot's voice sounded too."GO AWAY." Elmer yelled. He didn't really know why he had yelled, but he didn't care at that moment."We're not leaving, El." Race voice sounded from the other side too. Great, all his boyfriends were on the other side. There was a soft sound of people whispering on the other side, before there was the sound of people walking away. Elmer sighed and made another cut on his arm. He thought all of the boys were gone, but there was a sudden sound of the lock turning. He looked up and saw that the lock was indeed turning around on it's own. The door opened slowly, revealing Albert, who was holding on to the spare key that Medda had laid on the table after last time. "Hey." Albert greeted softly. He stept closer and slit down to the ground next to Elmer. He didn't say anything, but just looked at the cuts from the corner of his eyes. His arm went around Elmer's shoulder and he pulled the boy into a laying position, with his head resting on Albert's lap. He hadn't realized how much he needed the contact. A tear slipped out of his eye, but Albert was quick to wipe it away. Elmer felt Albert's other hand take the small blade from him and throw it away. A soft kiss was placed on the hand that had previously held it.

"I love you." Albert whispered against the hand.
Elmer took the key from the table and opened the door slowly. Albert was sitting at the same spot he always sat. Scarlet blood was dripping from his arm, but it wasn't that bad yet. The small blade, which he recognized as his own, was sitting in Albert's other hand that was hovering above his arm. He didn't seem to have noticed his entering as he brought it down another time. Elmer watched without emotion as he made the well-known movement. He didn't like seeing he boyfriend like this, but he wasn't really in the place to judge. He just sat down and intertwined his fingers with the fingers from Albert's empty hand. Albert didn't look up, but did squeeze in Elmer's hand. The boy smiled a little at the acknowledgement and leaned his head on Albert's shoulder. With his empty hand he moved over to Albert's other hand and took the blade from it. He looked up at Albert's face and could see tears slipping down the side of his face.
"The presentation wasn't your fault. You're great in Spanish, ask Spot, and you aren't going to fail it."
"I know." The answer was soft, but audible. Albert looked down at the boy who was leaning against him. Elmer looked back at him before placing a soft kiss on his lips.
"You're alright?"
"Been better." Albert now leaned his head on his younger boyfriend's head. He liked how Elmer wasn't giving any attention to what had happened previously. It was nice to not have the focus on it anymore, not his, not anybodies.
"You want to go to bed?" Elmer asked, knowing that this made him tired, so it would most likely make the redhead fall into a coma.
"I- I'll be there in a minute." Albert looked down at his knees. Elmer just nodded and stood up. He placed a kiss in the messy red hair before leaving the room and heading to their bedroom. He met with Race and Spot on the way, both boys were worried.
"How is he?" Spot asked concerned.
"He'll be over in a few minutes. Let's just get to our room. We'll be there when he needs us."
"You sure?" Race took a quick glance at Albert, who hadn't moved yet.
"Yeah." Elmer confirmed while taking the boys' hands and pulling them allong the hallway, entering the last room at the right. 

Albert looked at his wrist. There were cuts all over still bleeding. But he now knew: someone cared. They all cared. 

If you feel like changing a part of who you are, we'll grow with you. Remember that you don't have to change, because you are perfect the way you are.And you are important. Never forget that with every thing you hate about yourself, there is something someone else loves about you.

~ F

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