Family quarrel || Spralmer (canon era where being gay is legal)

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This is an canon era chapter, but being gay is legal. I didn't really want to make their live even more miserable. :)

~ F

It's December 1899 and Elmer was having a bad day selling. The headline was bad and it's no secret that he isn't good at selling at all.
He stepped into the small apartment that he called his home. His parents couldn't afford a bigger house, so he and his eight brothers and sisters had to share a room. He half expected for them to be in said room, but when he opened the bedroom door it was empty.
"Elmer." His mother called him from behind. He turned on his heals with a smile, but it faltered as soon as he saw the tear on her face.
"Yes, mother?" He walked up to her, but she backed away a little.
"You need to leave." His father said angrily. He stood next to his mother, but there was only an expression of disgust on his face.
"What? Why? What did I do?" Elmer stammered.
"Well I don't know. Why don't you ask your boyfriends!" His father responded sarcastically. That's when it clicked for Elmer. His parents had found out about his relationship with the three boys.
"It's legal now! It's not like I'm doing something illegal." Elmer protested. It was obviously the wrong move, because a hand hit his cheek only a second later. Tears stung in his eyes.
"Leave." His mother said softly. Elmer obeyed, because he didn't want to get soaked by his father. He left without anything except for the few pennies he had left from selling papers. The door closed behind him and he felt his knees beginning to give out beneath him, but he kept walking. 

He walked to Brooklyn first. He walked into the Brooklyn lodging house without knocking and walked straight up to Spot's room, but Spot wasn't there. Boots had told him that he went to Manhattan so that's were Elmer went. At least he thought. That was also the first moment he began listening to his mind. 

I could go to the lodging house. He thought.

You don't have enough money, you nitwit.

I could just ask for help.

You shouldn't bother Spot, Albert and Race with your problems. 

Elmer agreed with his own mind. He wasn't going to ruin their night. He walked down random streets of Manhattan searching for a good alleyway.


"Race! Albert! Elmer!" Spot walked into the Manhattan lodging house. He was soaking wet, because it had begun to snow on his way over.
"Hey baby." Albert greeted him with a kiss. "Elmer is home. He wanted to sleep there for the night." Spot nodded and turned to his other boyfriend. They kissed and the three of them walked to the couch.

They cuddled for over an hour when there was a knock on the door. Romeo ran over to the door pulling Specs with him. Jack looked up from his game of poker with Kid Blink, Mush and Tommy Boy and headed over as well. They normally didn't get any visitors and the newsies never knocked.
"Is Elmer here?" A tall boy asked. He looked like Elmer, but he was obviously older than him.
"No. I thought he was staying with you tonight." Race stood up from his spot and made his way to the door.
"Gówno." The other boy muttered.
"Wait. Hold on. Who are you?" Spot asked while walking up to the two.
"Spot, these are Eliasz and Henryk. Elmer's oldest brothers." Jack introduced them. "Eliasz, Henryk, this is Spot. Elmer's other boyfriend." The three shook hands, but turned back to the matter at hand.
"Why isn't El home?" Albert asked with a pale face.
"Our parents kicked him out because he's gay." Eliasz said softly. Race and Spot looked at him dumbfounded and Albert became paler that he already was.
"Come on we need to go find him." Race stormed past the two brothers and into the cold. It was still snowing. He heard Jack call the boys and not a minute later all of the boys stormed out. Race took Spot and Albert with him and they raced down the streets.

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