Fighting like a married couple || Spralmer (modern au)

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This story has been randomly chosen by Siri. This means another Angst chapter, but I promise that I will have a nice fluff chapter planed for the next one.

In this one-shot: Elmer's father had left him, his mother and his younger siblings after a fight with his mother. He would occasionally hit her before he left. The boys know about his past.

~ F

Dinner. It should be one of the most happiest moments of the day all four boys could think of. They would sit together and laugh, but not this night. 

It had all started well. Race had made lasagna and all of them were sitting in a comfortable silence. At least that is what Elmer and Race thought. Both Albert and Spot were glaring at each other. 
"O cut it, Conlon!" Albert snapped at Spot. 
"You cut it!" he snapped back. Elmer and Race looked up with wide eyes. All of the boys stopped eating.
"Guys?" Race asked, but both of the boys ignored him.
"You should let us help damnit!" Spot yelled at Albert.
"If I needed your help I would've asked for it!" Albert yelled just as hard back. Elmer could see it in front of him. Those who he loved fighting over something he didn't understand. Meaningless words filled his head, but as hard as he tried he couldn't understand them. 
"How long has it been going on? A few months? Those idiots need some soaking!" Spot spat. 
"You keep your ass out of this one! It isn't your damn fight. It's mine and no one else's." Albert stood up and wanted to walk away, but a hand on his shoulder made him turn. Spot stood there with a softer look in his eyes. 
"Why didn't you just come talk to us?" he asked more quiet this time. 
"Because I can handle myself!" Albert was still yelling.

Tears were filling Elmer's eyes and his vision was blurry. Race had noticed the heavy breathing that come from his left and turned to look. 
"Shit." He muttered softly. "Ellie. I need you to breath with me." Race placed his hand on Elmer's but the boy flinched away at the touch.
"Guys! Shut up!" Race joined the yelling. It may not have been the smartest thing to do, because Elmer stood up and sprinted out of the room to their room and locked the door. 

"You can't handle yourself!" Spot yelled at Albert. They both hadn't heard Race or Elmer, because they were to busy fighting. "I'm done with the fact that you come back home all bruised and trying to hide the pain!"
"Wait what?" Race was now really confused. He forgot about his other boyfriend for a moment and joined the discussion. 
"He's been beaten by some boys for a few months now, because he is with us, but he didn't tell us. I found out, because I saw him in the bathroom once." Spot explained. 
"Albie, why didn't you tell us?" Race asked softly with a worried look on his face. 
"I didn't want to drag you into this." Albert answered. He had calmed down by now and was staring at his shoes.
"Albert, I need you to promise me that you let us help." Spot said. His voice was soft again since non of the boys were shouting anymore. 
"Yeah babe, we all want to help you. We're there for you. Me, spot and El- SHIT!" Race turned around quickly to find a chair laying on the ground. There were sobs coming from upstairs and they all knew that they had messed up. 
"Shit." Both Albert and Spot mumbled before sprinting up the stairs. 

"Look what you made him! He's pathetic!" His father's words ran through his head. He could see his father standing over his mother. He dreaded the moment that had now come. With one swift movement his father hit his mother right in the face which made her fall to the ground.
"NO!" He had yelled at his father. He had ran to his mother in the past to protect her, but now... he was frozen in his place with his back against the wall in the corner of the room.

Race opened the door slowly. They were all afraid of what they would find. They could see his crying form in the corner of the room, his hands were wrapped over his head and his knees were pulled up so they couldn't see his face. The three boys approached him slowly, but stopped as soon as Elmer started to try to back up further in the corner. Race motioned for the other two boys to stay where they were as he slowly walked closer to the crying boy. Both Albert and Spot were hurt that Elmer didn't move away when Race came, because they both knew that it was them that Elmer tried to get away from. 
"Hey Ellie. It's me. It's Race." Race reached out a hand, but didn't touch him yet. "Can I touch you?" He waited a few seconds before there was a small nod. His hand moved to the boys knee and as soon as he saw that he didn't react, he pulled him in for a hug. Elmer now clung to Race like he was the only thing keeping him on this world. 
"Ssssh. It's alright. He isn't here and he isn't going to hurt your mum, siblings or you." Race whispered. All the boys were already aware from what was happening. They had that talk somewhere in the beginning of their relationship with Elmer. 
"I got you, baby, I got you." Race's shirt was now wet because of the tears that had fallen from Elmer's eyes. 

It took them five minutes before Elmer had left his past behind and had come back to the real world.
"Race?" the gravelly voice came from Elmer. Race looked at the boy in his arms and let a small smile slip on his face.
"Yes baby?"
"'m sorry." He said soft, but loud enough for all three of his boyfriends to hear. 
"No, El, we are so sorry." Spot said. There had been a tear on his face, but it was probably swept away a while ago.
"We weren't thinking about you, but we should have." Albert added.
"It's okay." Elmer said. He really wanted to smile at the boys, but didn't have the energy.
"Can we cuddle on the couch?" Elmer asked. He was tired, but he just wanted to cuddle with his boyfriends and feel safe.
"Of course we can." Spot smiled slightly. Race carried Elmer down the stairs, because the boy was obviously to tired. Albert grabbed a blanket on the way and wrapped it around Elmer and Race before they had even gotten to the couch. Race sat in the middle with Elmer sitting on top of him. Spot was to their right and Albert was on their left. As soon as they were all settled Elmer placed his feet on Alberts legs and laid his head on Spot's chest. He intertwined his hands with Race's. It took him not long before he was asleep peacefully. The three boyfriends looked at him with smiles on their faces and they too drifted of to sleep after a little while.

I really love Elmer, but I have this weird obsession with seeing my beloved characters hurt... I don't think it's healthy...

~ F

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