Stressing || Relmer

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Yes, I'm obsessed with Elmer fan fics. I don't care what other people think.

~ F

Work, school, work, school, work... and so on. That was the only thing Elmer seemed to do in Race's mind. Elmer was barely spending time with him anymore, even if they lived in the same house and went to schools that were only a minutes drive away. Elmer wouldn't talk to him either and sometimes even skip either breakfast, lunch or dinner. There were even days he didn't eat at all. Today was just another of those days.

"Hey El! How was work?" Race asked when Elmer came in.
"Fine." He answered, but walked quickly towards their office and he shut the door. Race just stared to the now closed door.
"It was nice to see you too today." Race muttered and walked off to the kitchen. He knew that Elmer was going to study through the night even though it was a Saturday. It was up to Race to make dinner, clean the house, but most important, make Elmer eat. His boyfriend hadn't eaten that day and hadn't slept that night either. He'd spend the whole night studying for a test he had the next week.

Race knocked on the door with a plate full of food in his other hand. A small noice of recognition come from the other side. He opened the door slowly and walked in. The light that came from Elmer's laptop was the only light in the room and it illuminated Elmer's face. The bags under his eyes were as clear as daylight. Elmer didn't make any effort to look up from his work as he kept on typing.
"Hey, El." Race started, but Elmer still wouldn't look at him. "You should eat. I know you've skipped breakfast and lunch." Elmer looked at him for a second, but then turned back to his screen.
"Sorry, babe. I just need to finish this. I'll be right over." Race knew he was lying. There was no way that Elmer would put down his work to eat. Race put down the plate on the desk and walked away. He wasn't going to deal with this again. He was tired and just wanted to cuddle up with his boyfriend, though he knew that wouldn't happen any time soon. Race walked up to their bedroom. He quickly pulled off his clothes which left him in his boxers and crawled under the blankets. When he closed his eyes his mind wondered off to their first sleepover as boyfriends.

"Come on Race! Don't ruin this for me." Elmer almost begged Race. They had a sleepover at Race's and were watching the remake of Cinderella. Elmer was curled up in Race's side and Race had one arm around him.
"Hey! You said that you wanted to know if they got together." Race defended. 
"I did not say that. I said: I hope they get together. I've never asked you to tell me all the spoilers for this movie." 
"Well that's to bad for you. How can I make it up to you."  Race smirked and leaned down to give Elmer a quick kiss.
"This feels like a good beginning."  Elmer smiled at him. Race leaned down for another kiss, which let to another and then another after that.
"Get a room!" Jack, Race's adoptive brother, called them out. He was standing in the doorway with a big grin on his face.
"O shut up!" Race shot back and threw a pillow at him.

Race was ripped out if his thoughts when he heard crying coming from another room. He sot up straight and almost sprinted to the office. He didn't even take the time to put on a bathrobe or something else to cover his body. He opened the door slowly and what he saw made his mouth drop. Elmer was sitting in front of his laptop with his head in his hands. His whole body was shaking and choked sobs were escaping him. Race came to his senses not long after and ran to embrace his boyfriend. Said boy flinched away at first, but leaned into the embrace shortly after.
"Hey, sweetheart, what's the matter?" Race asked gently.
"I'm just-" Elmer tried to speak, but choked on his own sobs. 
"Stressed out? Overworked? 'Cause we both know that that's the problem." Elmer just nodded. Race was right and they both knew it.
"You need to find a way to leave some time to eat, sleep, spend time with me. Have I already spend time with me?" Elmer let out a soft chuckle. It lighted Race's heart to hear his boyfriend chuckle and to feel him relax in his hands. 
"I'm sorry." Elmer muttered. 
"Don't be. I know you try so hard." Race kissed Elmer's crown. "Maybe try a little less from now on." Elmer grabbed on to Race's hands and stood up. 
"No. No cuddling until you've eaten." Race said sternly. Elmer pouted, but sat back down again. "El, honey, you aren't a seal. You still need to swallow." Race chuckled as Elmer began eating a little slower. Race stood behind him and massaged the tense muscles. Elmer leaned in to Race's warm hands. 
"Done. Now let's go." Elmer quickly shoved his plate away grabbed Race's hand from his shoulder. 
"Calm down. We've got all night."
"All night isn't long enough." Elmer complained as he pulled Race to the bedroom. Race complied with a soft chuckle and a small grin on his face. 
"I feel really under-dressed." Race joked. 
"Well, I can do something about that." Elmer grinned and pulled of his clothes which left him in his boxer. 
"I will always love seeing that." Race almost drooled while looking at his boyfriend. The shorter one laughed and jumped into bed. He opened his arms wide and Race gladly took the invitation. They rolled over to be more comfortable. Race wrapped Elmer in his arms and Elmer buried his head under Race's chin.
"I've missed this." Race said quietly while pressing another kiss on Elmer's head. 
"I'm sorry." Elmer muttered while curling up further into Race.
"I know, baby, I know."

Okay... This one sucks. I know. But you can't always have good stories.

~ F

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