Lullaby for a stormy night || canon era

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So there's this song I like to listen to to relax me. It's called: 'Lullaby for a stormy night' by Vienna Teng. It's probably quiet boring for most of you, but for me it allows me to calm down and just get my head straight. And it's not really about the song itself for me, but more the meaning of it. This chapter is based on that song. (The song ^)

~ F

It was storming outside. Lightning and thunder filled the air above New York City. It was the reason why Jack and Crutchie slept inside that night. Most of them were fast asleep. The rain that pored down from the heavens and trickled down the windows was soothing for the boys. It gave a relaxed feeling of warmth, although a few of them we snuggled together in their beds. There was one person who couldn't sleep though, Romeo. The poor boy was sitting in the corner of his bunk with his legs pulled up to his chest. He tried to muffle the soft screams with his arms. Tears were freely rolling down his cheeks and he squeezed his eyes shut as tight as he could.

Jack woke by the soft sounds of sobs and a small scream of terror. It took him a few seconds to realize that it was still storming outside and that he was in the top bunk above Crutchie. The sound of the sobs brought him to reality again. He quickly scanned the room. Everyone was asleep for as far he could see in the dark room. A flash of lightning came and lit up the room. He could see in that split of a second that Romeo was curled up in the far corner of his bunk. Jack got out of his bed as soft as he could and made his way over to Romeo. The boy had the bottom bunk, fortunately. Jack sat next to the crying boy. He rested his hand on top of Romeo's knee. The boy flinched, but looked up immediately.
"I'm sorry if I woke you up." Romeo whispered. Another flash came and the boy flinched again. Jack could now clearly see the tear-stained face.
"It's alright. Couldn't sleep anyways." Jack lied. "Scared of the lightning?"
"No." The 13 year old denied, but the loud bang of thunder proved him wrong. He made himself smaller again and buried his face in his arms so Jack couldn't see it.
"Come on," Jack stood up quietly and helped Romeo up as well. "Let's go somewhere we can talk without waking the others." He wrapped his arm around the shorter boy's shoulders and guided him to the living room.
"Everything alright?" Crutchie's tired voice sounded as they passed him.
"Everything's alright, Crutch. Go back to sleep." And to sleep he went. It was not a second later that they heard soft snores coming from the bed.

Romeo sat huddled up against Jack. His head rested on Jack's shoulder and Jack had an arm wrapped around him. Romeo flinched as another flash of lightning came with the rumble of thunder quickly following. Jack quickly glanced at the clock they had and noticed that it was already 3:00 am.
"Don't be afraid, Rome. It's just a little rain and thunder. The storm will be gone in the morning." Romeo looked up at Jack.
"I know. I'm being stupid. You should go back to bed." He already begun to detach himself from Jack, but Jack pulled him in closer.
"You know. You know, once even I was a little child, and I was afraid, but a gentle someone always came to dry all my tears. I remember my mother coming up to me and holding me tight. She used to sing this song for me."
"You were afraid?"
"You really don't think that I'm not afraid of anything? I may be a leader, but even leaders are scared. Even the king of Brooklyn."
"What could Spot Conlon be afraid of?"
"Well, just like me, he's afraid to see his kids hurt or end up in places they don't belong. Being afraid isn't something to be ashamed of. I know for a fact that Race is afraid of those stray cats that JoJo keeps feeding in the ally." Romeo chuckled softly.
"And Albert once screamed like a girl when he saw his own shadow! He thought it was a massive spider." Romeo added cheerily, but another flash of lightning made him curl in on himself again.
"Someday you'll know that nature is so, the same rain that draws you near me falls on rivers and land, on forests and sand. Makes the beautiful world that you'll see in the morning." Jack whispered softly as he guided Romeo to lay down on the couch. Romeo's head rested in Jack's lap. Romeo's eyes closed slowly as Jack began singing the lullaby, his mother had sung, softly, while at the same time playing with a few locks of Romeo's hair.
"Little child, be not afraid
Though rain pounds harshly against the glass
Like an unwanted stranger, there is no danger
I am here tonight

Little child, be not afraid
Though thunder explodes and lightning flash
Illuminates your tear-stained face
I am here tonight

And someday you'll know
That nature is so
The same rain that draws you near me
Falls on rivers and land
On forests and sand
Makes the beautiful world that you'll see
In the morning

Everything's fine in the morning
The rain'll be gone in the morning
But I'll still be here in the morning."

Romeo was now blissfully asleep and Jack began to doze of as well.


The morning bell rung and Crutchie was already descending from the stairs. He looked at the couch and saw Jack sitting with Romeo. Romeo was still asleep, but Jack was wide awake. Jack turned his head and smiled at Crutchie, who made his way over.
"Long night?" He simply asked.
"Yeah. Tell the boys to be quiet, will ya? Romeo fell asleep around 3:00 am last night and I want to let him sleep and seen for the fact that I'm not getting away from here..." Crutchie nodded.
"I'll sell a few extra papes and get the others to do the same." He whispered with a small smile.
"No need. I have a little extra that I saved to buy more paint, but it's enough to cover us for today." Crutchie wanted to argue, but there came sounds from the bedroom, which would lead to Romeo waking up if he didn't do something about it soon.

All boys left quietly, though some of them took a little longer, just to look a little longer at the duo that was still sat on the couch. There was no way that Romeo was going to hear the end of it.

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