Switch up || Spralmer & Javid (canon era)

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Just warning you of some brief homophobic language. But don't worry: nothing that is going to stand in my way to write gay ships.

~ F

"Come on, Jack. Just for five days. Monday till Friday." Race whined.
"Alright. One week, but I won't have them Brooklyn boys here longer than that." Jack was rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. Race and Albert cheered. "And as long as I can keep Davey here." Jack had already regretted with what he had just agreed to. Albert and Race came up with the idea of switching from leaders and turf for a week, they had already ran it through with Spot and the leader had agreed.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sure. We got to tell Elmer and Spot." Race pulled Albert away from their leader who looked after the two. The change of leadership was mostly blamed on 'we can learn from them and they can learn from us', but Jack just thought it was just them wanting to have a week long with the four of them in one place. The door opened again a few seconds after the red head and blond had left. Davey's head popped into the room and the rest of his body followed soon after.
"Hey, Dave." Jack sighed. He was already tired and the week had not even begun yet.
"So they talked you into it?" Davey walked up to his boyfriend and kissed him on the lips.
"Yeah." Jack sighed again after they pulled apart.
"You'll still have me, you know." Davey held jack's hand as he led the boy to the bed. He could see how tired Jack already was. Being leader of some hyperactive teenage boys wasn't as easy as he made it look. "Get some sleep. The switch is tomorrow and you'll need to be fully aware for it." Jack laid down on the bed and pulled Davey with them, who chuckled as he landed on top of Jack. The boy wrapped his arms around the boy on top of him and was almost immediately asleep.


He was surrounded by the darkness that had suppressed him his entire life. His family came into few, all of them were laughing at him as he was bleeding on the ground.
"Fag!" His father yelled at him.
"You don't belong here." His mother looked at him with anger in her eyes. All of his siblings were standing behind their parents and laughing at him. He could taste the blood that was slowly dripping in to his mouth and out of his mouth. He wanted to scream, but nothing came out of his throat. Sweat was everywhere over his body and his hair was sticking against his head.
"Elmer?!" A voice that didn't belong there got his attention.
"Elmer, wake up." It was another voice.

Elmer shot up with tears in his eyes. The water was blurring his vision, but he could make out the red hair and blond curls that he loved so much. Two pairs of arms wrapped around him quickly, en golving him in warmth. And even though it was warmer than he was at first, he still felt cold. A soft kiss was placed against his temple by Albert before the two pulled away from the still softly crying boy.
"Nightmare?" Race questioned. Elmer just nodded, not feeling the need to talk. Albert placed the back of his hand on Elmer's forehead and took in a sharp breath.
"You're burning up!" He exclaimed, leading to Race also placing his hand on Elmer's head.
"We could just call the switch off." Race offered as he lowered his boyfriend back down on the bed.
"No, no. I- I want to." Elmer muttered softly, earning worried glances from two of his boyfriends.
"El, I don't know. It's cold outside." It was true what Albert had said. It was the middle of november and only around 41 degrees outside (Fahrenheit, so it's 5 degrees Celsius.).
"Please, just let me-" Elmer closed his eyes again. He was tired, sick and weak.
"I'll talk with Spottie. You need to stay here." Race told the red head, who nodded in return. Race practically ran out, leaving Albert sitting on the side of Elmer's bed. He ran one hand through the sweaty hair, moving it out of the sick boy's face.
"Is Spot here yet?" Elmer asked mumbling.
"Get some more sleep, baby. You will see him soon." Albert gave a quick kiss to the almost asleep boy before walking out of the room to get a wet rug.


"Spot?!" Race called out into the Brooklyn lodging house. Said boy came walking down a few seconds later. He looked at the boys with glee.
"Hey." He greeted before placing a quick kiss on the boy's lips. "Did you convince Jack?" Race nodded, but his mind wasn't there right now. He was worrying about his sick boyfriend. "What's eating at you?"
"It's Elmer. He's sick. I don't know if it is a good idea to do it now, but he really wants to and he wants to see you." Race started rambling.
"We can move it a week-" Spot was worried too. It hurt him to not be able with his boyfriends all the time and especially when one was sick or was hurt, but he was the Brooklyn leader and couldn't just stay away for long.
"No, we already asked him and he wants to do it now. He wanted to see you." Spot nodded in understanding.
"I'll come over tomorrow and help you. You should head back now. It's getting dark." Spot looked through one of the half covered windows. Race placed a quick kiss on Spot's cheek and ran back to Manhattan.

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