Gamenight || jackxdaveyxcrutchie, spralbert, elmerxbuttons, spromeo and more

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Probably most of the one-shots will be modern fanfics, so I decided to only add to the title if it's the canon era. And I promise that this will be a happy fanfic. It may mention some not that happy things, but that's it.

~ F

"Albert! Hurry up we're gonna be late!" Spot yelled from the bottom of the stairs.
"I'm coming!" Albert yelled back as he stumbled down the stairs. He looked up to his two boyfriends to find them laughing. "What's so funny?" He was confused.
"Baby," Race began through his laughter. "your shirt is the wrong way around." Albert looked down and saw that he was right. He muttered some curses while taking his shirt of and putting it back on, this time the right way.
"Why don't you just keep your shirt off. I like it that way better." Race grinned at his boyfriend. Spot nodded in agreement, but stayed silent.
"Stay dreaming, baby." Albert chuckled. "We should go." He grabbed the car key and headed out of the apartment with his two boyfriends on his heals.


"Are you sure you want to go?" a worried Buttons asked his boyfriend.
"Yeah, I feel like I haven't seen them in ages." Elmer, who had just recovered from another panic attack, answered.
"Just promise me we go if it get's too much for you."
"I promise." Elmer leaned in for a quick kiss before standing up and grabbing his and his boyfriends coat.
"If we lose a game of 'thirty seconds' I'm blaming you." Buttons grabbed the keys to their apartment and they started their walk to Specs' and Romeo's house.


Jack, Crutchie and Davey stood in front of the door that let to the small apartment they had agreed to meet up with everyone. Davey knocked on the door and it took Specs only a few seconds to open the door.
"Hey guys! Come in. You three are the last ones to arrive so we can begin this awesome game night right away." Specs was obviously excited. They all sat down in the big circle that had formed on the floor.
"Don't you guys know the concept of chairs and couches anymore?" Davey asked as he sat down besides his sister.
"Davey, you of all people should know that it's more fun to sit on the ground together." Sarah stated as she elbowed him in his side. Davey looked around to see who had come. It was him, Crutchie, Jack, Race, Spot, Albert, Blink, Mush, Katherine and Sarah and of course the hosts Specs and Romeo.
"Lets begin!" Mush was really exited.

There were snacks all over the ground and all of them attacked while getting ready for the first game.
"It's thirty seconds time!" Romeo said with a grin as he held the game above his head. "Specsie and I have already made the teams for each game, which means we all get different teammates throughout the night. The winner of tonight will get... an extra beer." Romeo explained.
"Davey and Jack. You're up first." Davey grabbed the card and read through the words. As soon as his eyes landed on a famous name he smirked.
"Start!" Albert said while turning the hourglass.

"JOSEPH PULITZER!" Davey yelled at Jack.
"RATTLESNAKE!" Jack yelled back in excitedly.
"No offense." Davey told Katherine quickly.
"None taken." She smirked. She knew how manipulative and annoying her father could be. She leaned in to Sarah and watched the boys get a little frustrated at each other with a smile. All of them might be a little to competitive.


They had played several games before they all wanted pizza. And Specs, being a good host, obeyed and ordered it. It took only half an hour before they heard a knock on the door.
"Three family pizzas?" The delivery man asked to make sure he was in the right place.
"Yeah that's us." Romeo said while handing the boy the money which included a nice tip.
"Damn, he is hot." Buttons said as soon as the door closed. He couldn't say anything else, because he was tackled to the ground by Elmer.
"Yeah, you want to trade me for him?" He asked while sitting on top of his boyfriend.
"Maybe I should." Buttons joked.
"Fine by me." Elmer grinned back. He knew neither of them meant what they were saying. Buttons took Elmer by surprise when he trapped his head and pulled him down. Their lips connected and moved in sync. They kissed for what felt like only a few seconds before Elmer was pushed off off Buttons by Mush. They both opened their mouths to complain, but Blink was too fast.
"Get a room you two." He said with a small smirk on his face.
"Maybe we will." Buttons grinned.
"Specs do yo-" Elmer began with a small laugh.
"THERE IS NO FRICKING WAY YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT IN OUR APARTMENT!" Romeo interrupted. His face held a expression of terror as he thought of his friends doing it in his house or even his bed. Buttons and Elmer both laughed, but didn't bother sitting back up. They laid there at the edge of the circle with their hands intertwined.
"If you two lovebirds don't get here fast..." Race said while taking a bite of his pizza slice. "All of this is going to be gone without you having any of it." Both Buttons and Elmer groaned as they sat up and grabbed a slice of pizza.


It was an understatement to say that everyone was worn out by 1:00 am. They were all spread across the floor. Elmer and Buttons spooning, Katherine laying with her head on Sarah's shoulder, mush curled up in Blink's side, Romeo on top of Specs, Spot had his arms around Race's and Albert's shoulders and Crutchie and Davey both had their heads on Jack's chest.
"You okay?" Elmer heard a soft whisper from somewhere near the back of his head. He knew his body was still a little tense from what had happened that day.
"Yeah." He said with a smile though he knew Buttons couldn't see it.
"Even better knowing that you are here with me." He added quickly.
"Always." Buttons whispered before he fell asleep. Elmer smiled and fell asleep not long after. Now all of them were asleep and happy. It had been a better night than any of them could ever have wished for.

It seems like I'm only capable to end my stories by letting them sleep... hope you enjoyed it.

~ F

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