Some people just don't get it || brothers

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For today's story I'm just basically going to project myself onto my favorite character since this thing has been bugging me for a while now. Since this is a heavy topic, for me at least, I want you all to know that if something like this ever happens to you, you can always come talk to me or someone else you trust, because this is something I wish for no one. (And all love to @ckxwings for being there for me afterwards.) (And in this fanfic I give an example of some gay and straight people's thoughts on bisexuals and biromantical asexuals, but in neither case do I want to be insulting. It's just about some stories I've read and they aren't accurate to like 99% of either community.) 

~ F

PS. how I first describe the Delanceys isn't probably in anyway accurate to how the brothers are in the musical. And there is talk about sex, but nothing involves them in any way.

He'd known for a while now. It wasn't really as if it surprised him really. Race had always said that he didn't look as straight as he tried to act. It had been a year since Elmer had come out as bisexual to the world and only a few weeks as a biromatic asexual towards himself and his closest friends. The step for coming out as a bisexual had already been hard on him, since he had read many stories about how bisexuals supposedly didn't belong according to some gay people, but also didn't belong according to straight people. 
But truth be told, all of his friends had been really supportive in his decisions. On the bisexual and later biromantical asexual part of him. He had figured out at first that 0 sexual attraction + 0 sexual attraction = bisexual, but after some reading he came to biromantic ace. When he first told Race, who was his best friend, the boy had immediately fully supported him. It didn't surprise him though since Race had always been really supportive of him. Soon his other friends had found out about it too, since they all lived in the same foster home called Medda's foster care center. But all of them had been really supportive.

The problems all started when he went to work on a sunny Sunday morning. It was his usual shift at the local Starbucks, opening up the restaurant and helping costumers. It went well for a while, Oscar and Morris had joined him a couple of hours later. To be honest, they had always been some of his favorite colleagues. Both were pretty laid back, but did their work while at the same time joking around with Elmer. Morris was one of the managers and Oscar had just come back after a half year long break.
It wasn't that of a busy day so they started up a conversation, starting from music and then all the way to sex in movies and series. If you'd ask him later he could never even explain how he'd gotten there, but that seemed to happen often lately. 
"Yeah, I usually just skip over the 'hot' scenes." Elmer chimed in to the conversation after giving one of the costumers her drink. 
"What do you watch than? There is literately sex in nearly everything." Oscar looked at Elmer weird.
"I just skip it. That doesn't mean I don't watch that movie. But well, what do you expect from an asexual like me." He hadn't meant to say it. Truth been told, he had known that even though he liked the people around him at a certain level, he had known that they weren't the 'smartest' of people to say it like that. 
"There is no such thing as asexual." Oscar scoffed, while poking Morris in the side before addressing him. "Elmer says he's an asexual. Doesn't exist right?"
"We'll I have to say that if someone were to be asexual it has to be Elmer." Morris shrugged. 
"Yeah only that it doesn't exist, everyone wants to be in a relationship at some point." Elmer had unconsciously shrunk back into himself, shoulders lowered and his eyes on the ground as he spoke again. "I'm biro ace. That means I want to be in a romantic relation with both boys and girls, but don't have sexual attraction to either of them." He explained calmly.
"Ah, so we can get you hooked up with someone." Oscar grinned. "I promise you that once you've had sex you will know that being asexual doesn't exist. Did you hear that, Morris? We he likes both men and women, we can set him up."
"And animals." Morris laughed to himself, making Oscar laugh too. 
"That's not how it works. It's just that I don't really need it in my life, I can easily replace it with a movie and cuddles. But if my partner wants to do it I would do it for them." Elmer tried explaining, but Oscar scoffed at him.
"You don't have sex for someone else. You have it for yourself. And trust me, ones you get it, you will want it so much more often." Elmer looked at the boy, tears threatening to fall as he tried to do his job in the mean time, smiling a fake smile while handing them their drinks. 
"That's not-" Elmer was trying to say more, but was cut off by Oscar.
"You know what? I don't even think two women or two men can have sex. That's just impossible, that's not how sex works. I've had this discussion with my friends who are gay too, so you don't even have to try and fight me on this one." Was Oscar really that stupid? Or could he actually not see how much he was attacking Elmer on a personal level and how hurt Elmer actually was? At that point the brown haired boy stood there with shaking hands, but still helped the costumers. It wasn't like he really had a choice, since he couldn't break down right then and there. He decided that he didn't want to have this conversation anymore, so what he did was simple. He continued working while blocking out the conversation between Oscar and Morris, occasionally picking up one word to see if they had finished their conversation, but every time he found that they hadn't. He was lucky that his break came soon though. After another half an hour of work he was finally send of to take a break. He made his way to the crew room and set himself down with a sandwich and his phone. The first thing he did was text Race, cause who else was he going to complain to...

Can you kill me?
I nearly went into a full on anxiety attack on the work floor because my manager and coworker can't understand that someone can be asexual and well there was a heated discussion which was pretty attacking towards me and I'm still shaking. So glad the manager send me on break

Bitch wtf
How stupid are those people
Let me fight them. Jesus christ

Very stupid

They said gay people can't have sex with each other

You can very well be asexual. And even if you're asexual doesnt necessarily mean you dont feel attracted to people, you just dont want the sexual aspect

Exactly what I tried to say but yeah.

This is what Elmer loved most about his best friend.He knew he could always count on him when he felt like shit. The conversation went on for a while until Elmer's thirty minutes were up and he had to go back.

To be honest, the next hour went by rather quickly. He just stood there, being really grumpy, so Morris took he right decision to send him home early, since it wasn't that busy anyways. With a sigh he left the Starbucks, having previously texted Jack, the boy who was like his older brother to come pick him up, since he was the only one with a drivers license. 
"Race told me. Are you alright?" Jack turned to face Elmer as the younger of the two had finally sat down.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Elmer told the boy as he leaned his head against the window. He was tired even though it had been only a short day. "Just want to go home." Jack nodded and they drove home, some music playing softly in the background.

"I'm going to bed." Elmer waved Jack goodbye quickly once they had entered the mansion. Truth be told, Elmer just didn't feel like breaking down in front of anyone. And it wasn't a weird occurrence for him to disappear for a while after a days work, needing to empty his head before entering the realm of the living again. So that's what he did. He laid in bed, pressing play on his 'lets cry' playlist. It didn't take long before the first tears started to roll down his cheeks.

Three songs had passed when he heard the door open. Deciding that he didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment he tried pretending he was asleep. But in the contrast of what he had thought, the person didn't go away. Instead they walked over to the bed. Elmer could feel the bed sink down beside him seconds before a warm body was pressed against him, arms wrapping around his waist and pulling him in closer. He had recognized the scent as soon as the boy had laid down. Race was the one holding him protectively. Without thinking Elmer turned around in the strong grip Race had and buried himself into Race's chest. He felt a soft kiss on his head before he finally fell into a dreamless sleep.

Just want to say that up to the part where Elmer got send away happened in real life and the rest is just my imagination. 

And sorry for the shitty ending but my tired mind really wants to go to bed right now :)

~ F

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