♛ Nine ♛

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Hardly a second in and Mal turns to me. "Alina. What's going on?"

His voice is broken, hoarse from yelling. I can't bring myself to look at him.

"My lovely darling here," The Darkling brushes my cheek and I flinch from his leather, "Hasn't been very honest."

The Darkling leans over to me, "Tell him Alina."

I suck back a cry and finally meet Mal's gaze. He sports a bruise around his eyes. A series of cuts mar his chin and nose. They must have slammed his face to the ground and dragged him to the carriage. Even through the blood and dirt, his eyes are bright.

I break down sobbing. I can't do this. I can't.

Mal's gaze softens at my cries, "Whatever it is Alina, you can tell me."

"She didn't seem to think so." The Darkling narrows his eyes.

The Darkling opens his mouth to answer, but this needs to come from me.

"My summoning has returned Mal." I whisper, clenching every muscle in my body.

Mal's jaw tightens and he remains quiet.

The Darkling smiles back at me after a minute of quiet, "How does it feel to be rejected by him Alina? Tell me, how does it feel?"

I whisper hoarsely to him, tears blurring at my vision. "Like being stabbed in the back."

A flash of anger crosses the Darkling's face. He blinks for a second, then raises his arm. But he doesn't strike me.

His hand slaps across Mal's face and Mal gasps in pain.

"Mal!" I yell. My body tears after him but the Darkling pulls me back.

And into his lap again.

I have never fought so hard.

I just needed to be by Mal's side. I need to explain everything to him. I need him to look at me.

But the Darkling holds me to him easily. I fight for the better part of an hour, calling to Mal and begging for him to look at me.

Eventually exhaustion gets the better of me. I fold into the Darkling's chest and pant. I'm so tired of crying, of being restrained, of being under Aleksander's control. Will this be my life? Forever beside the Darkling?

And just when I thought I was done with this life. It the blink of an eye, it's back.

The Darkling hugs my shaking form, and though there is not a single person I hate more in this world, I let it happen. Mal looks over and scoffs, pain edging every word he says.

"You're his little lapdog again Alina."

"I'm sorry." I cry, "I'm, sorry, I'm sorry, Saints, I'm sorry!"

The Darkling clamps a hand over my mouth. "Do not apologize for who you are Alina." His breath snakes down my neck and I quiver at the heat.

"She should never apologize for who she is." He's speaking to Mal now. "And I'm not sure why she chooses to be with you, but don't forget this."

The Darkling's shadows begin to curl around Mal's arms. He jumps at the sight. "You will never deserve her."

Mal shakes his arms and the shadows dissipate. Surprisingly, the Darkling releases his tight grip on me. I take a step towards Mal but the Darkling doesn't drag me back. I dash to the other cushion with relief and wrap my arms around Mal. He turns to look at me and I can tell his anger is gone. Mal cups my face with one hand and brings his head forward.

Our foreheads touch and I savor the feeling of his breath on my face.

"We will get through this." He promises softly.

Mal slips a kiss to my cheek before sliding his arms around my figure. I shudder with the desired comfort and clutch his arms. We fall to the cushions, side by side, Mal curling my body in his. I can hear his breath grow longer and quieter as he falls into sleep.

But my eyes are pinned on the Darkling. His face is so emotionless as he watches us. I'm surprised he doesn't kill Mal. I watch his eyes well into my sleep, neither one of us daring to look away.

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