♛ Fourteen ♛

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My words are cut off as Genya pulls me in, suffocating my face with the soft fabric of her dress. A few tears escape my eyes as I smile into her shoulder. Warm feelings tingle through my body like jumping into warm water after being frozen.

"I've missed you." I say dumbly.

Genya laughs and we pull apart. I wait a moment to give her a good look. The scars along her face bloom with pride now. Her eyes are bright with the same happiness, but I can see the way her body drops and hunches over with worry. I wonder if she's being forced to stay in the Little Palace like I am.

Genya wrings her hands and looks down. "I have to ask. I saw David going into these chambers earlier, is he okay?"

I furrow my eyebrows and open my mouth a second before I speak. "Have you not seen David?"

"No, the Darkling has kept a strict rule here. He doesn't like the different types of Grisha mixing." Her gaze stays at her feet.

"Oh Genya, I'm so sorry." I can only imagine what it would be like if Mal was kept from me for months on end.

Genya pushes away my apologies, "It's not your fault. Besides, you're the one I should be comforting."

We both pause and she finally meets my eyes. "Your summoning power is back, isn't it?"

I nod slowly, "It returns with every Sun Summoner death. And I'm stronger than I ever was before. I came here to find you and Zoya with the hopes you could help me, but the Darkling found me." I take a breath, "It didn't take long for him to accidentally amplify me."

Genya softens at my words, "Oh Alina.."

My chest bristles and I try to keep more tears for coming. "No, I'm sick of crying. It doesn't matter now. What has happened, happened. Now I need your help."

She nods and a little glow alights in her words. "You're going to escape?"

"Yes, but not just me. I want to help as many Grisha escape as I can. I might as well use my new power for something useful."

Genya smiles a little, "You always were looking to save everyone Alina."

No, I think, I wasn't. I remember the first time the Darkling found me. I wanted no part in the Grisha world. But I won't take what I've been given for granted.

Before I can speak again, my stomach emits a growl and I rock with the sudden swell of hunger. Genya's smiles grows and she reaches for the tray at her feet.

"Here. I'll catch you up while you eat."

I thank her and dig into the hot food, taking a spot on the couch to let her begin. Genya says the Darkling returned a few days after I left. He tore down most Grisha with his remaining nichevo'ya army. The Grisha that were left have suffered under his strict rule. The Darkling has been hiding his existence from everyone outside the Little Palace, even from King Nikolai.

I wanted to press Genya further on Nikolai, but it wasn't the time. I would have to wait.

When her story was over, I soaked in her words with sullenness. "How did he even survive?"

Genya's shoulders bobbed up and down, "I don't know. He just..... showed up."

"How has there not been a revolt?" I ask.

"You know those Grisha soldiers you see with him? The ones in all black with the spiked masks?"

At first I can't seem to remember. But the harder I think I realize they were by our side on the journey to the Orphanage. How had I not noticed them? They were different from his other Grisha soldiers. Silent and still, like dogs awaiting an order.

So it's no wonder when Genya tells me they are nichevo'ya.

I bit my lip subconsciously and let my mouth prickle with the iron taste while I think. "How many does he have?"

"Hundreds, too many to fight off."

The effort should have killed him to create that many. Just another reason he should be dead.

Too angered by the heaps of disheartening information, I change the subject. "How's Zoya?"

Genya trails her finger along the edge of the couch across from me, her pale hand stark against the dark leather. "She's fine, sore in her heart, but fine. The Darkling has been ignoring her since he returned."

"Good," I breathe out, "She doesn't need his extra attention. I have plenty for the both of us."

Genya takes my joke with quiet seriousness. She gestures to the rings around my hands, still bright from my cuffs. "How's the Darkling been treating you? Are you alright?"

I sigh and tuck my knees to my chest, "As usual, but I can handle it."

"Be honest Alina, I don't want you getting hurt."

"I'm fine." I lie. I don't need to add anything else to Genya's mind. Besides, I'll be miles away soon enough.

A door rattling shakes me from my quietness and I flinch towards Genya. She stands up to brush off the couch before disappearing behind a pair of drapes on one wall of the room. Her hand gives me a small wave before disappearing into the thick fabric.

A small click lets me know she's escaped through a door there. I tuck away the information of the door for later and turn to see the Darkling entering the room.

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