♛ Fifty-Seven ♛

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The Darkling is limping by the time we got back to my tent. Bruises spark where my hands had hit him. My palms still pulse with anger, fury eating up my gaze.

"How long do we have?" I growl, sliding my kefta off once inside the tent.

Zoya is close behind. "The Fjerdans gave us until nightfall."

I curse as I rub a wet washcloth over my neck and face. The Darkling raises his hands and smirks.

"Do you want to hit me again?"

"I'm considering it." I say coldly, tossing the washcloth onto the table.

There's a short pause before the Darkling looks carefully at my face. "You aren't actually going to go after him?" The Darkling scoffs, crossing his arms.

I look at him, amazed at his ludicrous words. "Of course I am!"

The Darkling's arms tighten and his nostrils twitch. "You're a queen now Alina, you can't go running off to save Mal anymore."

"I don't care what you say!" I growl with fierce belief. "I'm going to save him."

The Darkling takes a step beside the couch, slightly blocking the tent's entrance. A shadow falls over his eyes. "I won't allow it."

A dry chuckle slips out from my lips. "Last time I checked, I outrank you General. You answer to me."

The Darkling drops his hands to his waist, standing pridefully as he looks down at me like I'm a child. "Last time I checked, you made no effort to train your summoning and although you're powerful, I outrank you in summoning. I'm forbidding you to go save Mal."

My veins are filled with gasoline and someone has lit a match. "Forbid?"

Before I can raise the light biting at my fingers, Zoya takes a deep breath to get my attention. "I'll go."

The Darkling and I pause. "What?" I ask tersely.

"I'll go and get Mal, as long as you promise to stay here and prepare for the meeting." 

I freeze as I think it over. But really the decision is already made. I can't risk a fight with the Darkling right now and Mal needs to be saved.

"Thank you." I dip my head in relief. "Will you need backup?"

"I've got it covered." Zoya says lightly, her eyes shifting between me and the Darkling before leaving. Her tone of voice makes me nervous. It's like oil, dark and slippery. Zoya's secretive face brings a heavy unease to my mind.

The Darkling is still standing near the entrance, his head lifted in challenge to me. I ignore him and head over to my desk, a new stack rising amount the towers of papers. I might as well get something done while I wait. Though my nerves are completely ruined thinking about Mal.

The work drifts me into the night, under the careful gaze of the Darkling. He doesn't move an inch for hours, guarding the entrance from me like a stubborn dog.

It's the air I notice first. Winds crackle across the camp. News of the Fjerdan meeting has gone far, even footsoldiers must be talking about it now. This is worse than war. Battle is simple, you expect it and you fight. But this meeting is unexpected. Not to mention, my worries for Mal perch on my shoulder like a crow, cawing in my ear to remind me of him.

I glance up from the shuffle of papers, noticing the darkening sky. The meeting is coming soon and I can't hide out by my desk forever.

"Send for Genya." I say to the Darkling, starting to gather the papers back together.

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