♛ Twenty ♛

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I raise my hands and a shell of bright yellow light encases the skiff. Dark figures of volcra shy away and their screams fade out. The Darkling waves a hand towards the captain behind us and the skiff make a slight left.

We glide through a small passage between the border mountains. I watch the ginormous outlines of mountains slide by on either side of the skiff. Saints they're huge. I can't see much beyond the shadows, just dark shapes of the land below. I can already make out a small dotting of houses below us and I immediately rip my gaze away, thinking of the poor souls who've died below us.

Stop it.

It's a while before we see the Fold grow grayer in the distance. We're almost at the end. I'm not surprised to find that throughout the trip I haven't felt tired or overworked. The light comes easily to me now. I feel bitter at the ridiculous amount of power and glare forward.

"Get ready, we're coming to the edge now." The Darkling says to me.

I nod in response and my dread rises again. I can feel it crushing my heart with two hands, squeezing it painfully. Can I do this?

The shadows start to dissipate, then fade away all together. The rays of the bright blue morning are back on our faces and my light glitters brilliantly under the sun. There's a village beneath us in the distance, thick with bustling people. Hundreds of houses span over the flat hills, voices spraying up from the villagers as they notice us. I hear bells ring and voices cry out, horses beating their hooves against the ground, children howling in the street.

Without thought, the Darkling lifts up his hand and the Fold starts to crawl forward. I look desperately back at the village and fight the urge to move. Just close your eyes, I think. But I can't look away.

Volcra scream as the Folds reaches the edge of the village. No, I scream silently.

The Fold is now upon the village, shadows descending like predators to the innocent people. I hear screams and I know they aren't from volcra. No, no, no, I can't take this anymore...

My hand shoots out and the village is lit up as a dome of light surrounds it. The volcra trapped beneath it scream as the light burns them and they beat up against the walls of light. There's a gasp from the crew behind us.

There's suddenly a hand on mine and I look up to see the Darkling eyeing me with daggers.

"Drop. Your. Hand." He says quietly, voice hard with fury.

I flip my hand over to grab his leather clad wrist instead. "No, these are innocent people Aleksander." I spit back.

The Darkling grabs both my hands and leans me over the side of the skiff. I scream and my heart speeds up, pounding in my ears. The winds whip away my cries and my braid. The Darkling looks estranged leaning over me and for a second I'm terrified of his rage.

I hear the people below us calling out again and an idea crosses my mind. My is first reaction is to dismiss it, but I catch myself. I have to save those people.

I hope I don't regret this.

I shove the Darkling backwards and his grip slips from my hands. I sprint immediately back towards the crew, the shell of light following my steps. I spin around panting to see if it worked.

It did.

The Darkling stands on the other side of my light shield, the Fold curling around his body. The rest of the crew are huddled around the mast in terror, but they're still protected by the light now covering half of the skiff.

The Darkling calls out for me, eyeing the shadows. I can see the memories of the last time he was in the Fold playing through his eyes. "Let me in Alina."

"No," I say steadily, "Unless you promise to help get those people down there on to the skiff."

He curses and slams a hand to my light. "ALINA!"

I take a step back as I feel his shadows pressing in on my shield. But I hold strong. He could shatter the light, but the Darkling is too distracted by the nearby cries of the volcra. He hugs against the side of my light and I see his eyes reflecting pain as he stares frantically back at me.

"Promise me." Is all I answer.

He spins around and now I can see shapes coming out from the shadows. The Darkling presses his back to my light shield and gnashes his teeth, yelling out. "Fine!"

At this one word I expand the light shield. The Darkling stumbles as it passes through him. Suddenly, a volcra comes out of the darkness and slams against the wall of my light. It screams as its face is melted by my shields and I watch it fall howling off the edge of the skiff.

I turn my attention to the Darkling huddled on the floor, staring at where the volcra was. I pray he doesn't throw me off this skiff and keeps his word. When he rises, I know he's furious. But he's still frazzled from the experience and he limps towards me. I hold still until he's only a few feet away.

"Land the skiff in the village." He says coldly, ignoring me.

I breath out and lean against the cabin's wall behind me. He kept his promise. The Darkling doesn't come any closer though, saying nothing as we descend into the village. I hear the relieved cries of the mob as their hands slap the bottom of the skiff, crawling up the sides like bugs.

The crew helps the hoards of people onto the ship. Soon there isn't enough space to even see your feet. But it's worth it. Everyone touches my face, my hair, my skin. They cry out for Sankta Alina, falling to my feet. I'm just relieved to find everyone safe.

The skiff starts to rise again slowly and I release the light dome from the village. A few of the Shu whisper prayers under their breath as the Fold takes over their village.

Now only volcra walk those streets.

I curl my knees up to my chest and lean against the mast in exhaustion. My throat is hoarse from talking with so many people, each one offering their same teary, bittersweet gratitude.

But I'm still concerned about the Darkling. He stands on the very edge of the skiff again, just watching the shadows. I still hate him with a burning passion, but a begrudging part of me feels bad. I shouldn't have put him through those memories again. I try to walk over, but as soon as I move, like settled dust to sudden wind, people flock up to my arms and I'm pulled away again.

I'll have to talk with him later.

We hear audible gasps from the war camp as we exit the Fold, the skiff swollen with the crowds of villagers. As soon as we touch down, I'm caught in the stampede to get off the skiff, almost trampled by the villagers. Luckily, a heavily muscled man from the crew helps me to my feet and drops me gently to the ground. I wait by the side of the skiff, watching the Shu villagers spread out to the ground. Families clutch each other close, looking upon the camp bearing the Darkling's symbol with fear. I don't know what will become of them, but I hope they can have a new life here in Ravka.

I try to look for the Darkling again, but it's obvious he doesn't want to talk when two guards arrive by my sides. They lead me back to his dark tent, staying by the entrance. I'm slightly crestfallen when it's empty, but I try not to focus on that too much. My hands shake as I rub them at the fire's grate, threading light between my fingers for extra warmth. I huddle over the flames and enjoy the sparkling feeling across my skin as it warms. But my cherished moment is shattered by a scream.

It rings out through the camp, bloodcurdling and heavy.


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