♛ Fifty-Two ♛

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They are a gaggle of generals and advisors, most of whom I've met at the dinner with the Darkling or the lunch with Fjerdans. The first few minutes of the gathering is spent apologizing and giving their sentiments to me, which makes me feel more vulnerable and raw than I already am.

Zoya stays beside me, smiling to them and accepting the condolences on my behalf. At one point I even sag against her and she holds me up.

Finally, an older man with the physique of a twig, thin and reed-like limbs, claps his spindly hands and we all take a seat around a wide, circular table. Zoya told me this is the war council tent, which is why it's so spacious.

The thin man rambles on for a while about Nikolai and I'm about ready to claw out my ears when he raises a scroll to his chest.

"King Nikolai was very strict about no one being allowed to read his will until the event of his death. He wrote one every year or whenever he felt like making a change. King Nikolai was very particular about his will and I want to be sure we will all honor whatever he has wished."

We all agree without much noise, a few grunts and nods. The man sways a moment, then cracks the dark blue wax seal. I listen to the rip of the wax and watch lamp light pour through the thin, perfectly creamy paper.

The man doesn't read anything until he starts to speak. "To my dearest friends, I have to start with an apology. There's only one event that could have happened to allow you to read this will. So, for whatever happened, I apologize."

I stiffen with the overwhelming wave of guilt and nausea. It doesn't sound anything like the Nikolai everyone knows, but I know this Nikolai. This is the Nikolai whose face drooped when others aren't watching. The one who after every joke got a panicked look in his eyes until people would laugh. I've met this Nikolai, not many times, but it's a harsh reminder to hear him again.

"First off, I want you to respect my wishes without question. I understand this can be hard, but I don't have the time to explain it all to you."

The man slides his hands down and I can the see the outline of a list. "1. All my money from my pirating years goes to my crew."

This is no surprise. I wonder where his crew is now, but I'm sure someone will be able to track them down.

"2. My horses belong to Zoya Nazyalensky"

Zoya's hand around mine squeezes the blood from my fingers. The generals swipe their interested gazes to her, aware of how important the horses were to Nikolai.

"3. Half of any land and other riches must be distributed evenly to everyone in the room. The other half will go to Ravka's coffers."

This goes down well with the group. Although his death hangs like a cloud above our heads, the promise of riches and money excites a few greedy, gold-in-their-eyes people around the table.

The man starts to speak again but then his word sputters out. I watch the paper crease as his fingers dig into it. I can tell that whatever is written on the paper can't be good. What did you do now Nikolai?

We all watch the man take a breath and look up with wide eyes. "4. The crown of Ravka will placed on the only person I trust to take it. Alina Starkov."

A pause fills the room.

The first thought in my mind is: That asshole.

And then? Crippling paranoia. Every eye turns to me, every head swivels my way. I don't even have the crown on my head yet and I can already feel the heavy burden of its weight.

"Alina?" Zoya grabs my hand with both of hers nervously.

My chest twinges in sharp pain and I realize I haven't been breathing. I let out the breath quickly, then push away from the table.

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