Chapter 19: Sweet Revenge

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Everyone, even Pinkie and Gummy, couldn't believe what they're seeing before them. It couldn't be. He was never like this nor did he have Pokemon.

His lime green skin had a few shades of darkness on him, glistening in the lights with his newly replaced black gear and dirty white bandages on his wrists and black bandages on his feet. His short orange mask was replaced by a short black one as his bright hot pink eyes shined glared at his older brothers except his little sister. His cheek still had the old scars from the day he left home and in both hands, he had his nunchucks but both blades were out and shining in the lights. They had no doubt that the blades had sharpened perfectly for this occasion.

On his shoulder, a new little Pokemon sat there. It had an extreme light banana color on its face, tiny body, tail, and big like needles on the top of it's bubblegum tail. The entire head, it's back, the big tip of it's tail, and even it's ears were bubblegum colored. The insides of its ears were soft, plum purple color. It's face had thin eye lines, a tiny nose, and a little frown. Around its neck was an orange band like collar with a tiny pizza slice charm attached to the center. Even for it's cute and adorable face, the others could tell it was glaring with disgust at the male turtles except for it's trainer. They couldn't hear it but it was growling at them.

His hot pink eyes glared menacingly with rage and disgust at his brothers, but turned warm and gentle when switching his gaze towards his sister, then loving and sweet towards Pinkie Pie as his cheeks turned a soft strawberry red. But when he turned his way towards Raph, his lips curled back into a snarl and eyes became empty slits, but instead of white, they became hot pink and glowing. His little Pokemon growled louder for Raph to hear it.

Everyone Pinkie and Gummy watched in horror of what their brother and friend had become when he was away from them. "Mikey?" Leo mumbled, fearfully. The blue masked flinched when his baby brother snapped his head towards his direction and his glare of rage and disgust came back. "That's right Leonardo, it's me. Your little liability who you casted out." he snarled in anger. Leo's eyes widened in shock as Mikey smirked. "So tell me why you came here and better make it fast. Me and my Skitty partner, Sundae aren't very patient at this moment." Just when he finished his sentence, the small Skitty Pokemon known as Sundae jumped down from the turtle's shoulder and landed on the ground, making the same growling at them to the point it's ready to roar. Leo looked at Mikey in the eye to hopefully see any signs that he feels pity or sympathy...that's when he realized it. Mikey's eyes were never hot pink. That meant...

He turned his gaze towards Pinkie Pie and Gummy with his lips curling back in a growl. "What did you do to him?!" he yelled. The others jumped in surprise, especially Ollie since he was tied right behind him, before Mikey growled and slashed Leo's cheek with his nunchuck blade with speed that even they can't follow. Leo yelped in pain as it was right on his bruised cheek. "Don't you EVER yell at my sweet cupcake Leonardo! She never did anything to me!" Mikey shouted, breathing angrily to hold back from snapping.

Raph growled and glared at his baby brother, despite being scared of his rage. "Mikey, stop! He's your brother!" He tried to reason. "We're your family Mikey! Whatever that pink, rotten, cotton candy, bubblegum trash did to you, we'll help you!" He was about to continue when he felt something plunge into his legs and he let out a yell of pain. He looked down and saw Gummy digging his teeth into his leg, making crimson blood smear onto the once clean white fangs. When he tore his fangs away, Raph looked down in shock to see the bleeding bite mark on his leg and the sight of the fresh puncture wounds lining up in an oval shaped bite nearly made his stomach twist. When he tore his gaze away from it, his electric bright green eyes widened in shock to see Mikey very close to his face.

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