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The silence in the city was deafening to everybody who slept in the night. Snuggled up in their beds, safe and happy that no more trouble stirring in their peaceful home. No enemies had stirred up since that mysterious, quiet night that happened years ago.

The silence was deafening, except for the sounds of the quiet footsteps and the accompanying sound of hooves walking on the pavement of the sidewalk. The two of them continue walking through the quiet streets of the city while avoiding the lights of the street lamps. Their shadows were casted on the wall through the dimmest lights of the street lamps and they were silent as mice as they continued their way to their destination. The quiet giggles were only heard by the ones walking with her and she could hear his silent chuckles.

They continued their quiet display of giggling fits when they finally stopped. Turning and entering, they walked towards the old, rotting dumpster and the few trash cans that surrounded it. Papers littered the ground and newspaper blew along with the wind, along with her mane and tail. She turned to face her beloved and get a good look at him. "You're still the handsome and goofy turtle I love, Mikey. And you're still the same old Sundae we know, Sundae." She said, softly. She smiled softly and looked at the turtle next to her.

He's grown a lot since their night at their wedding, but he still looks like his young age self. The scars on his cheek were fully gone and his mask was still the same after all these years of growing. His gear was almost replaced with a suitable one and his nunchucks had started to chip a bit from the amount the fights he had gone through in the past. He still wore the cupcake necklace and the ring on his finger since the night of their wedding. Standing next to him was a dog sized cat with fur that matched the color of a banana. It's ears were long and the very tops split in three. The purple color was very divine and matched the big, puffy fur around her neck. Two purple balls of fur were stuck on one side of the fur as if they're stuck on needles. Even the tulip shaped fur at the end of her tail was purple. Around her neck, she still wore the collar she had on years ago when she was first given to her trainer.

He smiled back and gently rubbed the side of her cheek. "And you're still the beautiful and party loving pony I love, Pinkie. You twoo Gummy." he responded, kindly. He looked at his beloved pink pony standing next to him just as the moonlight started to rain it's light down on the pair.

Her coat and mane and tail colors stayed the same over the years, but strands of her curly and bouncy hair and tail started to pop out of place. Her bright cerulean blue eyes still held love and life in them as she gazed up at Mikey. Her mane was tied up high with bits of confetti sticking in it and there a hoof sized rubber ducky stuck at the top of her mane. Her tail had a color banner wrapped around it with three to four lollipops stuck in it and a teddy bear hanging on one side. Around her neck, she still wore the pizza necklace and her wedding ring, but stuck in the wedding ring was a tiny pink orb with the fairy type symbol. Standing next to her was a big crocodile like creature. It had multiple black stripes and spikes on him and it's skin was a maroon red. It still wore the collar from years ago as well.

Mikey and Pinkie smiled at each other before they embraced each other. Both of them were smiling happily and sweetly as they blushed the same color of strawberry red. "I'm happy that we're here together." Pinkie whispered softly. Mikey smiled and pulled away just a bit to see her face. "Me too, my sweet cupcake." Both smiled at each other happily before giving each other a sweet little kiss. "And speaking of we..." He trailed off to look behind his beloved pink party mare with her turning her head in the same direction.

"Hey Amoly." Mikey said, smiling. The two lovers watched as a little, apple green three fingered hand clutch onto Pinkie's tail before fully coming into view. Her bright sky blue eyes stared up at the two blue pairs as she blinked curiously. Her pale pink mask, the tails tied in long braids that reach down to waist hanging off on one side while she slowly stepped out to reveal herself. Pinkie and Mikey smiled at her. "This is where we first met, Amy sweetie." Pinkie said, happily. The little turtle tot, Amy, looked around and was surprised to see the alleyway. She quietly approached the dumpster, before she caught the sound of little tiny galloping hooves behind her.

She turned around and smiled brightly to see a little mini pony galloping to her side before stopping right next to her. The moonlight was making his pale, light raspberry pink coat glow and his bouncy, curly hot pink mane and tail bounced a bit as he moved. His bright, cerulean blue eyes were stars he looked around with excitement coursing through his body. His three balloon cutie mark was glowing in the moonlight as it showed. "Bubble Berry, be careful not to drop your sister." Mikey quietly scolded. The little colt smiled sheepishly and nodded when he turned to look on his back to see the littlest one looking around curiously.

Her coat was a lime green that was shining brightly and her light orange mane and tail had small streaks of pink in it along with a big blue bow on her side mane. She wore a little diaper with the pin having a pizza slice and cupcake clip suck with it. Her tiny little wings were closed against her little body and her baby blue eyes shined so brightly as if they were stars. Her bright orange mask around her face was even big enough to have the back of it tied in a big bow.

Bubble Berry smiled and patted her head, earning a little giggle from her. "Don't worry Pops. Little Pizza Pie is okie-dokie-lokie fine on my back." He said, smiling. Amy could only chuckle at her little brother as she looked around. She turned to Pinkie and Mikey smiling. "Would you tell us the story of how you two met, Papa?" she asked. The two lovers chuckled and looked at their little turtle and the two little ponies standing before them.

"Of course, dude and dudettes." Mikey chuckled and looked at them before kneeling down to their height. Pinkie Pie smiled and sat down next to him as Gummy and Sundae snuggled up close to each other. "This is one story that'll send you three hopping like chocolate bunnies on springs and a trampoline." Pinkie giggled and looked at her husband, who nodded in agreement.

"This is our story of how I became A Doll's Groom."

The End

Michelangelo "Mikey" Hamato belongs to Mirage Studios

Amoly "Amy" belongs to joellejey

Pinkie Pie belongs to Hasbro

Pokemon belongs to Game Freak

Magenta and Little Pizza Pie belongs to me

Bubble Berry belongs to his rightful owner

A Doll's Groom (A MikeyPie story) (REWRITE COMING SOON!!)Where stories live. Discover now