Chapter 13: Mikey's Powers

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His head pounded hard against his skull as the world started to come back crashing down on Mikey. He was slowly starting to feel his entire body again when he managed to crack open his eyes. His whole body ached, but his hands were the worst. He felt them getting very itchy and felt...soft? Why did they feel soft?

"Mikey? Can you hear me?" The high pitched voice of her voice was filled with worry. He groaned slightly as his vision was clearing up. What he wasn't expecting, a worried look on Pinkie Pie's face was staring right at him. "Take it easy my savory pizza. You only woke up." she soothed gently but worriedly. She must have witnessed the whole thing and now her nerves were shot up and were not calming down until she had made sure Mikey was well. The oranged masked turtle blushed and felt his heart beat against his chest again when he watched how Pinkie was doing her best to make sure Mikey was alright. It was almost funny to watch how she tried to unroll some bandages.

Before she could even hurt herself from the adrenaline that was pumping into her, Mikey reached his hand towards her and held her hoof. His eyes glanced down at his hands, realizing why they became soft. Both hands had been bandaged and colored with bright colored markers. He thought it was cute, especially where there was a crudely drawing of a pizza loving a cupcake. His cheeks seemed to have turned up the heat as he could feel he was turning into a tomato as well as his heart was ready to bust out of his ribcage and jump out.

Pinkie Pie seemed to have caught on Mikey's glance at his bandages and her worried look lessened so she doesn't seem too worried to the point her stress level goes up to the point she explodes or passes out. Her ears were pinned against her head as her eyes shadowed a bit. "Mikey, what happened to you?" she asked, with a worried tone. The turtle looked at the pony confused when the memories came flooding back to him. Now he knows what happened. "I...I..I-I got angry w-when you told me your story. I-Igneous and C-Cloudy, those kids...him." He said the last part with a growl and snarl mixed as one. Pinkie was surprised by Mikey's attitude towards the names he listed down, which Pinkie blush red. "He cared about me?" she wondered in her mind. Before she could question it further, she noticed Mikey's beginning to glow bright orange again. Quickly, she jumped onto Mikey and wrapped her front forelegs around him, pulling him into a hug. "Mikey, it's okay. It's all in the past now." she said quietly. Mikey breathed heavily as his anger burned when he noticed his hands glowing and he heard Pinkie's calming words. He was immediately calmed down and his hands stopped glowing.

Pinkie Pie released Mikey from the hug, but her expression turned to one of concern and worry. "Mikey, what happened was because of me." she said, sadly. The turtle's eyes widened and his head snapped towards the pink pony's direction with confusion and shock hitting him like a brick. "That is not true, Pinks. Why do you think that?" he asked. Pinkie sighed a little before taking hold of one of his bandaged hands and showed it to him. "Because of me, you now have powers." she confirmed. Mikey was surprised at this answer. He would be happy and try to use his powers for fun, but after almost causing damage on the roof above, he realized this was no laughing matter to laugh about. "Pinkie, it's not your fault. Even if it is, I don't blame you at all." Mikey said. He pulled her close to him and hugged her tightly, making Pinkie's blush grow redder by the second. "Maybe you can train me."

She looked at him surprised. "You really want me to teach you?" she asked. Mikey smiled before brushing a strand of her mane aside. "Yes. That is if you don't want to. Maybe I could ask the skeleton pony." he suggested. Pinkie's heart nearly dropped to her stomach when he mentioned her. A growl almost slipped out of her throat but she held it back with no problem. "Nope. I will teach you." she cheered. Mikey was almost taken back by Pinkie's sudden change of behavior, but he pushed it aside and smiled. "Alright then. Thank you, my sweet cupcake." he said, petting her. The pink earth pony giggled and smiled brightly when in an instant, her mane and tail suddenly poofed back into bright hot pink bouncy curls and her coat had brightened back up again. She hugged Mikey tightly, who was still surprised by what just happened. Pinkie caught onto that and she giggled. "Sorry. When I'm sad or angry, I get cold and angry which causes my colors to grow dull. But I'm mostly happy so my colors can stay bright." she explained. Mikey smiled and giggled before pulling her into yet another hug. Little did he realize, a little smile had spread across Pinkie's face.

A Doll's Groom (A MikeyPie story) (REWRITE COMING SOON!!)Where stories live. Discover now