Chapter 6: A Coincidence or a Dream?

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He wasn't sure if it was a coincidence or a major red flag but lately, Ollie has been noticing Mikey and Pinkie's behaviors. It was strange and confusing.

It all started this morning when he saw Mikey leave Pinkie on the counter as he cooked breakfast. As he did, he noticed the doll's eyes. They looked almost as if they were staring at him with some kind of intention that he couldn't pinpoint. When Mikey was finished cooking and left the kitchen to go fetch his nunchucks he left in his room and possibly wake up the others, Ollie's gaze turned away to grab a cup of tea when he turned and almost jumped. Pinkie Pie wasn't sitting on the counter.

He could've sworn his little brother wasn't carrying Pinkie with him as he left her right there on the counter. When he looked again, he was almost in disbelief. Pinkie was at the table in a weird looking position. Her two front forelegs were lifted up and seemingly grasping the table to hold on while standing on her two back legs. Tied around her neck was a white napkin as to show as a little bib. Ollie was bewildered at the sight as Pinkie Pie was made of stuffing and fabric, no joints inside to be seen. "How did you end up at the table?" he asked, expecting no answer. "I know you were just sitting on the counter just a minute ago." He walked over to the table to get a closer expectation, but before he could reach for her, Mikey entered the kitchen while being followed by the others.

When he noticed Pinkie sitting at the table in the strange position, he grew suspicious and turned to Ollie who in return gave Mikey a confused one. "Did you move Pinkie when I left the kitchen, Ollie?" he asked, a bit annoyed. "No Mikey, I swear I did not move her." he replied warily. A glare left the orange masked turtle before he was smacked in the head by Raph. "Just shut up and let's eat." he grumbled. Mikey glared at his older brother before sighing and joined the others for breakfast. Ollie was going to say something but stopped and sat down.

While eating, the green masked turtle would look at his little brother every twenty seconds. Mikey made an extra plate of scrambled eggs and toast for Pinkie and would try to feed the pink pony plush. "It's just a stupid doll, Mikey. It can't eat." Raph growled. Mikey glared at him in return. "My sweet cupcake said she can eat." Mikey nearly blushed when he called that about her. The other turtles looked at Mikey almost surprised as he was. "Did you just call her your sweet cupcake?" Donnie asked. Mikey nodded and gulped a bit. His blush was a tad bit pink mixed with red as his baby blue eyes switched over to her. He almost got hit with confusion as he could have sworn he saw the doll's cheeks turning light red. But it could have been his imagination. Raph laughed a bit and pointed to the doll. "That doll must be scrambling your brain more than it already is!" he laughed, which caused Kophu to glare and smack upside the head. The red masked turtle growled and glared at his little sister with anger before Kophu went back to eating. Mikey sighed a bit and continued to eat his own breakfast feeding Pinkie Pie.


After breakfast, Mikey left to go train for a bit after he put Pinkie Pie in his bedroom so Leo can calm down a bit. Ollie watched his little brother spar for most of the day. He was hoping this new behavior of Mikey's wasn't permanent. He missed the old Mikey. The old Mikey who goof around them while laughing and joking around. The old Mikey who would play video games with his brothers and sister while doing his victory dances. The old Mikey that would do his best to keep this team together and help them look on the bright side of things when they go down.

He missed that Mikey and that argument that Raph gave him was enough to shut him off. Splinter wasn't told about it but eventually he was going to have to know. While sparring, he watched in amazement of how Mikey had beat down Kophu and won. Up next was him vs Donnie, but as they spared, he couldn't take his mind off of Mikey and Pinkie. Before he knew it, he was already on the floor with Donnie's foot against his plastron and his bo staff inches from his face. "I win, Ollie." Donnie said with a proud smile. The purple masked turtle got off of his brother before helping him up and walking back to the others.

Once training was over, he was talking to Leo about Mikey's behavior and attachment to Pinkie Pie. "I'm telling you Leo. Mikey's behavior is not normal." Ollie said, with a serious tone. Leo sighed a bit before looking at his brother. "I know Ollie, but I talked to Sensei the other day and he said to give Mikey more time as Pinkie Pie seems to be something that Mikey can use as comfort since he's already distancing himself from us." Leo explained, fully aware of the situation.

Over by the TV, Mikey could hear everything his brothers were saying and in silence was starting to feel very quiet. He hugged Pinkie close to him and nuzzled her gently on the head. "Don't listen to them Pinks. They're just jealous because I have you and they don't have anyone." he said quietly. He cradled Pinkie in his arms when he started to feel something ache in his chest. He winced a little and placed his hand over his plastron to locate the aching. When he found it, he was surprised and his cheeks started to heat up. His heart was beating against his chest like a drum beating along with the music.

He was unaware Pinkie's two blue eyes were looking straight at him. Her pink face was still the same but her cheeks were slightly red for some reason. "You're right Mikes. They're just jealous because I'm here with you and they don't have anyone." Her voice spoke gently in the turtle's mind so he didn't jump again. The orange masked turtle smiled and nodded to her as he cuddled up with her.


Later that night, Ollie was struggling in his sleep. Inside his dream, he was in a pitch black room where he saw a little hot pink rose on the ground. It was beautiful and sparkling like the sun during the day. But on the stem, if he squinted his eyes, he could see something forming on the bottom. The green was slightly darker than the brighter green and a faint dark circle was slowly appearing on one side.

"What the..." He couldn't find any other words to even speak when his dark brown eyes moved over to what's behind the rose. Pinkie Pie was sitting on the ground in her sitting position, but her head was looking down from Ollie's gaze. The green masked turtle slowly felt his heart beginning to beat and it was only a slight jump.

He stared at the stuffed pony in silence while listening to his own heart before he closed his eyes to take a moment to process all of this in.


That sound nearly made Ollie jump. The sound of that crack almost sounded like a tree creaking against the force of the wind or a bone making the sickening sound when it's being broken.

When his eyes snapped open, he felt a slight screaming crawling in his throat as when he saw the sight. It wasn't how the sound that made him unsettled nor was it the sight of the doll's head thrown back. It was the eyes that stared right at him. Pinkie's blue cerulean were gazing at him with something that he couldn't describe. Happiness? No. Excitement? Possibly. Yes, excitement. There was excitement in the pony's eyes. But he almost let his scream out when he saw that wide, pitch black open smile on the face.

Pinkie Pie's body was turned away and her head was thrown back to see Ollie upside down in her sight like a bat hanging upside down. The green masked turtle couldn't even scream as a voice had penetrated his thoughts. A high pitched, girly like voice was enough to almost scare the shell out of Ollie.

"I am more than just a plushie as you are too blind to even see a thing or even understand anything!"

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles belongs to Mirage Studios

Ollie and Kophuya belongs to joellejey

Pinkie Pie belongs to Hasbro

A Doll's Groom (A MikeyPie story) (REWRITE COMING SOON!!)Where stories live. Discover now