Chapter 16~ Triage

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"But caring about them is not a weakess. In fact, it is your strength."

Blue and Landry stood at opposite sides of the hospital locker room, eyeing each other coldly.

"It was you. You told Mrs. Martinez's family." Blue said, her voice wavering slightly with fury.

"...Of course I did." Landry replied.

Blue stared at him, stunned as all the events of the past few weeks fell into place. "But...why?" Blue asked, her eyes brimming with tears over the betrayel of her own friend. "How can you even ask that? You got a woman killed when she could have lived for another decade!" Landry accused.

"What about all the sabotage...the rumors...was that you too?" Blue asked softly, almost too afraid to know the answer. Landry could not hold her gaze and instead averted his gaze to the floor with upon hearing her question.

And with that, Blue got her answer.

" bloody snake!" Blue yelled, feeling all kinds of negative emotions at once. All that unnecessary struggles and obstacles she faced when she was at the top of her game was all because of the one person who was her friend, or at least she used to think he was.

"Really? I'm the snake? Remind me. Which one of us spent more time manipulating an insurance loophole than treating patients? Which one of us stole medication from an executive's briefcase?" Landry retaliated.

"I did it to help my patients-" Blue was cut off by Landry, "Which one of us was getting preferential treatment from the attending in charge of the rankings?" "None of us. Ramsey treated us equally." Blue said, although she knew that what both Ethan anf her had was complicated, but he never once let his personal feelings influence his judgement regarding medicine nor the rankings.

"That is total bullshit. Dr. Ramsey has not even learnt anyone's name except yours. Rookie this, Rookie that." Landry said his last sentence in a mocking tone, making Blue even more angry. "So that's why you told Mrs. Martinez's family. Because you were jealous. Not because you cared about her." Blue said.

"Of course I was jealous! It wasn't fair! And I had to level the playing field. Dr. Ramsey neevr saw anyone else's, especially my talent, because you were so busy showing off yours." Landry yelled. "I did not know that doing my job as a doctor to provide the best for my patients was considered showing off my talent. And level it how? By hiding my charts? Turning off my pager?" Blue replied.

"I'm not proud of it...but yes. You had an unfair advantage." Landry answered. "I can't help that I ranked higher than you!" Blue exclaimed, highly offended. "Only because you got so much extra time with Ramsey! If you hadn't been skulking around with him and Banerji, I'd be number one!" Landry said.

Blue never felt any angrier. Naveen was a very sensitive topic for both her and Ethan, and calling him as a means to rank high was incredibly disgusting. "Don't you dare bring Dr. Banerji into this Landry." Blue seeethed.

Ignoring her, Landry continued, "I study harder than you! I have better outcomes than you, and I pratically live at this hospital! That first day, I came in an hour early. You were nearly late, and that's why you were there to first work with him on that hemothorax. From that moment, he was on your side. I never had a chance. And don't even get me started on the fact that you are a Hunter. A freaking Hunter. Your family name basically did all of the work for you here!" Landry accused.

Shocked that Landry held this grudge all the way from their first day, and angry that he attributed all her harwork and talent to her family name, Blue responded, " How is this any of my fault?!" "You always talk about how we're all in this together...but did you ever talk to Dr. Ramsey about me? Did you ever put in a good word for me?" Landry asked.

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