Chapter 14~ Panacea

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"Examine your mistakes, learn from them, and let it go."

Panacea. A solution or remedy for all difficulties or diseases.

Just with that label alone, it would be expected that they would do everything in their power, to find and provide cure for every problem.

However, human nature, human flaws are bound to push them to exploit others, by holding back their cure, just to maximize their profits. With that, it could only be questioned if Panacea is really the cure...or the problem.

The week after Blue's request for the drug for Teresa was denied...Blue left a patient's room and flagged down a nurse.

"Hi, Sara, can I get you to--" the nurse walked straight past Blue, as if she hadn't heard her. Thinking that Sarah was busy, Blue turned to another nurse, Marlene. "Hey Marlene, can I--" Blue started, but stopped when Marlene turned her entire body away from her, giving her the cold shoulder.

"What the heck is going on?" Blue asked out aloud, confused. "Calm down. The nurses aren't going to let your patients die just because they hate you." Aurora said, coming pass another nurse a patient's file. "They hate me? Since when? Did you start this?" Blue asked, narrowing her eyes at Aurora. "You think people need my help to convince them that you're cocky and overrated?" Aurora smirked. "I think you'd do anything to get back to number one." Blue said, the anger in her voice evident. "As if I'd talk to anyone at this hospital a millisecond longer than I have to." Aurora replied, rolling her eyes.

"Go complain to Ramsey about it. Since you're his favourite and all..." Aurora laughed bitterly. At the mention of his name, Blue snapped her head towards her. "You know damn well Dr. Ramsey doesn't play favorites." she said, trying to hid the waver behind her tone. "I mean you did take a shot for him, I won't be surprised if he's keeping you at number one a little longer out of guilt." Aurora retorted. Before Blue could reply to that, Aurora brushed past her, carrying her clipboard.

Blue looked around and spotted Danny coming down the hall. As she approached him, Danny looked around nervously. "Danny! Finally a friendly face!" she let out a relieved smile.  "Oh, uh...sorry, Blue, but none of us are supposed to even talk to you unless there is an emergency." Danny said. "What? But what did I do?" Blue asked, even more confused now. "Well...some of the nurses heard that you've been trash-talking the work we do." Danny said, a little unsurely, for even he knew that it was out of Blue's character to do that. "What? I'd never do that!" Blue exclaimed, both shocked and offended.

"I know. I didn't believe it but...I can't side with a doctor over the other nurses. It'll blow over soon, I promise." Danny said, giving Blue a quick squeeze on her arm. "Did the nurses say where they heard this from?" Blue asked angrily, but Danny knew that her anger was not directed at him. "No clue. But you know how hospital rumors are. I'll let you know if I find out...Good luck." he said, before turning to get back to work, but he stopped when Blue called out to him.

"Danny...Thank you, really. I appreciate that you trust me and are on my side on this." Blue said gartefully. "You're a great doctor Blue. I know there is something really weird going on around here, and I'll help you." he told her, giving her an encouraging smile, and turning to leave once again.


After work, Blue texted her friends to meet her at Donahue's. They arrived one-by-one and joined her at a table.

"So how was pulling a whole shift without any support from the nursing staff?" Bryce asked. "A nightmare. I already appreciated them before, but that's reached a whole new level today." Blue said, taking a large sip of her scotch.  "Something's weird going on, for sure. Your pager missing messages, charts getting rumors about you to piss off the nurses?" he added. "Isn't it obvious, Blue? You're being sabotaged." Jackie said, making Blue alarmed.

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