Chapter 6~ Housewarming

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"We're doctors. Any intimate feelings are just neurochemical responses to heightened stress and frequent exposure to each other."

..."Blue? Are you listening?" Landry's voice snapped Blue out of her trance. "
"Sorry, Landry. I got...distracted." Blue apologised. Blue, Landry and Sienna were walking to Edenbrook to start their shift, and Blue's mind kept wandering to her critical patient from the night before, and how she froze in the moment, when everything overwhelmed her at once.

"Still thinking about that patient from last night? Landry asked. "...Yeah." Blue replied, kicking a stone in front of her slightly. "You can't beat yourself about it, Blue. She survived." Sienna reassured. "Only because the nurses bailed me out. She'd just had a tough surgery. I should have been prepared for complications. I feel like I'm pretty comfortable now at handling something bad happening...but when a million bad things happen at once, I panic. I can't handle everything spiraling out of control." Blue wallowed.

Sienna patted her back gently for comfort as the trio entered the hospital. As they reached the atrium, they found the rest of the interns pushing to get to the front of the crowd. "Gather round, gather round!" they could her Ines calling out to the interns. Ethan stood in front, holding a sheet of paper.

"Back! Back! Christ, you're like a bunch of rabid dogs." Ethan sneered at the interns getting too close to him. If Blue was not in the horrible mood she was in, and the pounding headache she had been having since the incident of the night before, she would have broke out in a wide grin upon seeing the adorable scowl on Ethan's face. Instead, moodily, she joined the group along with her friends.

Ethan seemed to notice the lackluster response from the emerald-eyed intern, allowing his eyes to narrow with an emotion that was of a mix of confusion and concern. His eyes snapped back to the general crowd, wondering why he even let himself focus on Blue anyways.

"Wow, it looks like everyone signed up for the competition." Sienna gawked, using Blue as a balance as she tiptoed to stare over the crowd. "Yeah, only a jackass would turn the opportunity down." Jackie smirked pointedly at Blue. Blue finally allowed a small smile to break through as she joked back, "Thanks for that Jackie."

"How about this? Whoever's ranked lowest has to pick up the keg for tonight's housewarming party?" Elijah suggested. "I like the way you think." Jackie beamed. "Great! That's music, food, and drinks sorted. I've told everyone to arrive at eight." Elijah beamed back.

"Wait, who's everyone?" Landry asked. "You know, the other interns." Elijah replied, smiling cheekily. "I told a few residents about it too." Jackie added. "And I invited a bunch of nurses." Sienna grinned. Everyone turned to Blue expecting her to say something similar.

"Well...I can't say I invited Ethan Ramsey to one up ya'll so I'm just going to watch you guys do the inviting." Blue shrugged, making everyone except Landry laugh a little. "It's not like he would come even if you asked him to Blue. Ya'll really think this is a good idea? Our house is small." he said.

"Landry, dude relax. It's not like everyone we invited would come anyways." Elijah replied coolly. Landry rolls his eyes in disapproval while the rest of them continued to plan.

Up front, Ethan pinned the sheet of paper to an announcement board, as a tidal wave of interns threatened to crush him. "Now you can stop badgering me with questions about where you stand. If you want to challenge your ranking, swing by my office, and I'll disqualify you immediately. Good day." he told the interns, shooting the crowd a cold glare, before turning on his heel and walking away before anyone can stop him.

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