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"You're worth everything to me."

Blue had just diagnosed her twentieth patient in a span of only four hours that day. Ever since her hearing, which was exactly a week back, she was back to the top of her game again, and no one even dared to question her future position in the diagnostics team, for they knew she deserved it.

She was feeling as confident as ever, walking to the nurses' station, with a few of her patients' charts. However, she felt a little empty. She did not see Ethan the whole day that day, and even throughout the week, she had barely seen him. Blue knew the announcement of him being appointed as the director for the next year, as well as her place as the junior fellow in the team, was very shocking for him, and compromised whatever they had going on.

However, she still felt like she did not deserved to be ghosted. As Blue conversed with Danny, she was suddenly paged. It was from Naveen, and she immediately rushed towards the Chief office, scared that something probably happened to him. It had only been a week, since Naveen had started the road to his recovery, and Blue constantly kept an eye on him just in case.

She quickly knocked, before entering his office, letting out a huge sigh of relief when she saw him sitting at his desk, not in any sign of distraught. "You really should stop worrying, Blue." Naveen chuckled. "The last time you said that to Eth-Dr. Ramsey, you went into sepsis." Blue replied, catching herself before she said out Ethan's first name. However, Naveen was quick enough to catch that, and he raised an eyebrow but decided not to say anything.

"Yeah...about that. The reason why I paged you here, is because of Ethan." Naveen said. Blue's heart dropped to her stomach as she panicked. "What? Is he going into sepsis this time?" Blue asked, her voice wavering a little in fear. Naveen could not help but burst out into laughter.

"No, he's not. Good lord, you're hilarious. He's rather, going into the Amazon tomorrow morning." Naven answered, making Blue's already widened eyes, even wider. "What? Why?" Blue asked, taking a seat in front of Naveen's desk as he motioned her too.

"Yeah, I figured he did not tell you." Naveen murmured sighing, as he looked up to Blue's expectant eyes. "Blue, Ethan is leaving for Brazil for probably two months or more. He has volunteered to work with the World Health Organization (WHO) at the Amazon, to help fight the outbreak of an unknown virus." Naveen told her.

Blue felt like she was hit by a truck load of information, a shocking one at that. "Why did he not tell me anything?" she asked, more to herself then Naveen to be honest. Naveen knew. Naveen knew his protege and his protege's protegee had something going on. He did not know what exactly it was, but he had been noticing the change in their dynamics ever since they had come back from that one conference in Miami.

That was why he had an inkling that Ethan may not have informed her about his departure the next day, and Naveen could not help himself from telling it to Blue. After all, he did owe it to her for literally saving his life.

"Thank you for letting me know." Blue finally said to him, after a moment of stunned silence. Naveen nodded in acknowledgement and did not say anything, but Blue could tell that he did have gist of what was going on between them.

Blue left Naveen's office, brisking her day past quickly and for the first time in forever, waiting for her shift to end anxiously. Even Sienna was a little worried about the pace Blue was working. She worked hard all the time, but even she knew when to slow down, so this behaviour of hers was worrisome.

Blue did not know if she was working fast, as she was eager to go see Ethan, or the fact that she was angry with him for not letting her know at all that he was going to a whole other continent for a long time.

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