Chapter 15~ Admission

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"I'm not the doctor you once thought I was. It's time we both accepted that."

A few days later...Ines and Zaid were dismissing the interns after rounds when...

"Hunter, Greene, Varma, Olsen and Trinh. Hang back. We need to talk." Zaid called out to them.

Blue shared a nervous look with her roommates. Aurora met her eyes for a moment before leaving with the rest of the interns. "What's wrong?" Blue spoke up first when the roommates were left alone with the two senior residents. "Chief Emery wants to question you individually about what happened to Mrs. Martinez." Ines answered, looking a little uneasy herself.

"Why? We weren't even on Mrs. Martinez's case!" Landry defended. 'I know...and I've told her how much I trust and respect each one of you." Ines replied. "But until this is settled, each of you will be partnering up with another intern for your caseload." Zaid added. "You're giving us babysitters?" Jackie sneered. "It's...just a precaution. This will blow over soon." Ines said with a sad frown, seemingly unhappy with the whole situation as well. With that, the residents left them in silence.

"They know, don't they?" Sienna finally said wearily. "Of course  they know! You didn't really think you will get a away with this did you?" Landry snarled. "They don't know Jack. That's why they are sweating us. If they knew, we'd already be out on our ass." Jackie said. "But who could have know what our plan was?" Elijah asked. "Aurora. You saw her face when Zaid told us to stay back." Jackie said in anger. "What are we gonna do?" Sienna asked with trepidation.

Sighing deeply, Blue said, "You have to let me take the fall for this." "Like hell! You did the right thing!" Elijah spoke up. "Not as far as the hospital is concerned. I knew this was a risk. I have to accept the consequences." Blue replied. "Screw the hospital then. You saw Mrs. Martinez's face on the steps of that church. Being there meant everything to her, and it was all thanks to you. All these doctors are so worried about protecting their careers that they'd never stick out their necks for anybody." Jackie said. "Like Jackie said, they don't know anything yet. Don't give yourself up." Sienna agreed.

"What do you think I should do, Landry? You're the one who advised against this from the very beginning." Blue asked. "I...think it is too late now to take back everything that we did. So I don't see why you should say anything. What happens's out of our hands." Landry answered.

Paging Dr. Greene to Dr. Emery's office. Paging Dr. Greene...

The PA System ranged.

"Welp, it's showtime." Elijah said. Blue gave his shoulders an encouraging squeeze as he made his way. The roommates split up to tend to their patients as Blue looked down at her charts and making her way to her patient's room.

Passing by the new wing, Blue spotten Ethan pacing about in the half-built hallway.

"Naveen...You and I have trusted each other to do the...No that's not right..." Ethan muttered to himself. "Dr. Ramsey?" Blue called out to him, his visible distress now projecting onto Blue's already terrible mood. Ethan looked at her, his stubble rough, and his usually well-styled chocolate locks were troubled.

"I have to tell Naveen that he has a month to live. The moment he knows, he'll leave the hospital. He didn't want me to treat him in the first place. He joked that if he couldn't solve it, no one else could. I thought I could save him on my own...but maybe he was right." Ethan explained, the blue of his eyes dulling every second he spoke.

"Do you want to let him leave?" Blue asked. "God, no. I want to call in every doctor I know to help. Someone somewhere on this planet has to know how to fix this. But he'd hate me forever if I made his last few weeks being poked and prodded in a cold hospital room." Ethan replied, finally letting himself meet her gaze, his aquamarines searching her emeralds for answers.

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