Chapter 17~ Tangled Love

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Tangled Love

"I would say the same...but how could I ever forget?"

⚠️Warning: 🔞

A few days after confessing to Harper Emery, Blue was in the atrium facing a pair of imposing double doors.

"You sure you don't want any of us to go in with you?" Bryce asked from beside her. "I'll be fine. This part will be over quick." she reassured him. "We're pulling for you, Blue..." Sienna said in encouragement. Smiling at her friends, Blue said, "I know, I'll be fine, thanks guys."

With that, Blue gulped before entering the Edenbrook lecture hall alone. At the front of the room, a panel of senior doctors awaited. "Dr. Hunter, please...come on." Harper beckoned her.

This was what Blue wanted, a second chance to save her career, her passion, and she was going to approach it bravely.

With her head held high, she walked down the steps past the empty audience and took her place at the podium facing the eight-seat panel of Edenbrook's ethics committee. She noticed one of the seats being empty and deduced that Naveen's place on the committee had not been replaced yet and so she was left with seven voters.

Suddenly, a door closed loudly at one of the entrances in the back of the room. Blue looked over her shoulder only to see Declan Nash watching, with an evil glint in his eyes. Blue cursed under the breath as she thought that the whole situation could not get any worse, Declan Nash had to be present for it.

"Thank you all for convening for this preliminary session." Harper started. "In a few days' time, we will hear witness testimony regarding Dr. Blue Hunter's conduct surrounding the death of Teresa Martinez. After which, the board will vote whether to revoke Dr. Hunter's privileges at Edenbrook Hospital. Do you understand, Dr. Hunter?" she further explained.

"Yes, Dr. Emery." Blue responded.

"Depending on the outcome, the Massachusetts state medical board will then review whether to revoke you license as well." Dr. Wen said. Blue remembered her as the Head of Labs, and her thoughts went back to when Ethan had her pressed against the wall of the supply closet in order to hide from Dr. Wen as they had to run some tests on Naveen.

Blue visibly winced at the memory and she hated herself for thinking of Ethan even at a time where her career was on the line. He had consumed all of her thoughts, and most of her being in such a short period of time, that she had no one but herself to blame for it.

"Do you have an opening statement, Dr. Hunter?" Dr. Tanaka snapped Blue out of her thoughts. His tone was firm, but his eyes held a certain fondness to them. Blue was aware Dr. Tanaka had a soft spot for her for not only had he healed her leg that was shot before, but she had helped him alot around the hospital when his surgical residents were nowhere to be found, and he was even more impressed with her when she had assisted in Rafael's surgery.

Taking in a huge breath of air, Blue answered, "I regret breaking the rules, but I don't regret helping Mrs. Martinez." Surprise was evident on some of the doctors' on the panel faces. "You're saying that, given the chance, you'd do it again?" Dr. Wen asked bewildered.

"Yes. She was being let down by greed and cowardice, trapped here when a potential cure for her disease existed." Blue replied. "You knew there was a risk the medication would kill a woman of her age." Harper said. "And so did she. Mrs. Martinez considered her options and chose the chance to live, no matter how briefly, over another decade of loneliness and restriction." Blue responded.

"So you say, without evidence to claim." Dr. Wen spoke out, her tone hostile. "I care about my patients, Dr. Wen, and that means their mental well-being as well as their health. I know I'm fighting for my career. I want that to be a career where the quality of a patient's life matters." Blue said, her eyes wavering slightly at the end.

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