Chapter 13~ Whatever It Takes

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Whatever It Takes

"You've got this."

After a few days, Blue was finally beginning to ease in back to her heavy schedule, thanks to a certain Dr. Ramsey making sure that she was not overworking herself right, after she had discharged.

Though the other interns were still envious of her position in the fellowship competition, they developed a sense of respect for her, not only because she was a Hunter, but also because she quite literally saved the life of a world renowned diagnostician, and even took the initiative to continue working during her recovery period.

Blue was about to head home after her shift when suddenly,

"Hunter! You had a two weeks vacation from work, and suddenly you're all high and mighty to not answer my pages again, huh?" an attending bellowed at her. "I didn't get any pages? Besides, my shift is over Dr. Hariot." Blue replied. "Well, you're schedule says you're not. So on top of ignoring an attending's pages, you're letting yourself off early as well? Maybe you don't really deserve that number one." Dr. Hariot sneered at her.

As Blue showed the attending both her pager and personal schedule, "What is going on here?" a familiar baritone overpowered Dr. Hariot's voice and she immediately piped down at the sight of Ethan approaching them.

"Dr. Hunter here has been ignoring my pages and getting out of her shift early. And when asked why, she is giving me excuses." Dr. Hariot complained to Ethan, making Blue look at her, offended. Blue shifted her eyes to Ethan, who was watching her intensely. He grabbed her pager and schedule and inspected it, frowning. 

"How is this an excuse Dr. Hariot when she clearly has had no incoming pages and her shift actually ended 2 hours ago? She worked overtime, and might I add right after recovering from a shot to the leg. You really need to learn how to not let you're personal anger towards my intern, cloud you're judgement." Ethan said sternly. "I just thought she was slacking after becoming number one." Dr. Hariot defended herself. "Apologize." "I-I'm sorry what?" she clarified with Ethan.

"Apologize to Dr. Hunter." Ethan said, glowering at her. "B-But I'm an attending and she's an intern." she argued. "No, you were wrong, and unjustifiably projected you're anger onto a doctor who was just doing her job honestly." he continued to defend Blue. Dr. Hariot hung her head low, and mumbled a 'sorry', to which Blue responded with a simple nod. The attending left, and Ethan watched her turn the corner before turning back towards Blue.

"What's going on Rookie? Is someone messing with you again?" he asked her. "I think so. I just don't get why. I was doing fine when I came back, and suddenly this happens again." Blue told him, her body slumping with frustration and defeat against the wall of the corridor. Ethan took a heavy sigh as he said, "Rookie, now is not the time to give up. You're Edenbrook's top intern. There are obviously people out there that want to bring you down, and you giving up will give them that exact satisfaction."

"I know, but this is unfair don't you think? I thought you would have a stronger reaction to it. Rankings aside, I don't want this competition to affect my patients. Their well-being is compromised if I don't get any pages in." Blue said. Ethan looked at her with a hint of admiration before replying, "You're right. I'll look into for you. I'm not taking any actions publicly as I don't want to alert whoever is doing this. I don't know why but I have a feeling that the same person is responsible for that." He motioned towards her recovered leg. "And when I do find that person, they are finished. For now, just work hard like you've always been. You've got this. " he said sternly, walking off down the hallway. 

Blue smiled at his retreating form and when she turned, she saw..."Kyra!" she exclaimed in pleasant surprise upon seeing her friend. She walked into Kyra's room, where she was talking with Ines. The smile on Blue's face started to fade as she saw the distressed look on Ines' face.

Rookie | Ethan RamseyWhere stories live. Discover now