Chapter 12~ Hunter

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"Thank you for saving me."

⚠️Warning: Sensitive Content

"Some things are worth any risk."

Ethan stared down at the girl in his arms, as she struggled to stay awake from the pain in her body and exhaustion. 

"Sir, the area is clear, we should really get her to the O.R." A police task force officer told Ethan, snapping him out of his daze. Ethan immediately nodded, picking Blue up in his arms, making sure to apply the correct amount of pressure onto her wound, and careful not to aggravate it.

Holding her securely in his arms, Ethan made sure that the police task force had steered clear off Naveen's room with the gun man, before rushing to the Operating Room. As he passed the main hallways, every staff who had come out of the lock down gawked at the number one intern bleeding in the attendings' arms. When Blue's roommates saw what was happening, they immediately rushed towards Ethan asking him what happened.

"Now is not the time to be explaining. I need the O.R. ready immediately, she's losing a lot of blood!" Ethan yelled. "You can give her to me, I'll get her there." Bryce offered but Ethan replied, "There is no need for that Lahela, I'm already applying pressure, if I leave it, she would lose more blood. Just get me an O.R. ready now." He was trying to keep his tone as calm as possible, but it was not working. Bryce nodded, rushing to prepare for surgery. 

"Ethan, what's going on?" Harper asked approaching him, and stopped in shock when she saw the intern wounded in his arms. "I'll get Dr. Tanaka on this." she said immediately rushing to arrange the emergency surgery. Ethan nodded gratefully, placing Blue on a gurney and rushing her into the Operation Theater so that the surgeons could prepare her for surgery. He was scared beyond his wits for her, but he knew that surgery was not his specialty and that Dr. Daihachi Tanaka was an excellent surgeon.

As soon as he came back out into the main hallway, Blue's roommates rushed towards him with questions. Ethan sighed, slumping into one of the chairs next to the waiting room. "Dr. Hunter and I were near the new wing when we got the silver code. There was no rooms to lock ourselves into so we entered the area under construction but the gunman got there before us. Do any of you know why the hell that man was blaming her for his wife's death when she had not treated his wife at all?!" Ethan explained before asking frustratedly.

"We have no idea Dr. Ramsey." Jackie said, trying to keep her voice from wavering as Sienna was sobbing too hard to give an answer. Elijah was frozen in his wheelchair, still in shock with the fact that one of his friends had been shot. Landry was leaning against the wall, quiet. "Well then, who's patient was she?" Ethan asked to no one in particular, his voice cracking a little, and the staff that were crowding around them, were shocked to catch that glimpse of vulnerability that The Ethan Ramsey had expressed. Noticing eyes on him, Ethan glared at every staff coldly as he yelled, "What does this look like movie theater? Didn't know having one staff harmed gives the rest of you an off day! Get back to work!"

The staff scrambled back to their duties except for the roommates who knew that Ethan's anger was not directed at them. "Dr. Trinh. Varma, Greene and Olsen." I have reassigned your patients for you. We know how this would affect your morale, so we grant you permission to take time off to be here for your friend." Ines informed them, giving them a small smile of encouragement. "Thank you're lucky stars that you are getting a break. could have not been at the expense of you're friend getting hurt." Zaid said, staying true to his character, but the concerned glance he shot towards the Operating Theater was enough to let them know that Zaid too, was concerned for Blue.

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