Chapter 1~ The Doctor is In

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The Doctor is In

"Don't let me down." - Ethan Ramsey

With every step she took towards the building, she could hear the joyful chirping of the birds coming from the ground's garden and the soft buzzing of conversations around her. She adorned a slight smile on her face, as the view of the building became more and more clear. It was a beautiful day indeed, she thought as she came to a halt a few metres in front of the building and looked up, taking it's whole view in, with a contented sigh.

Edenbrook Hospital 

The logo at the front of the building read. It was Blue Hunter's dream to work at Edenbrook, ever since she learnt that The Ethan Ramsey was there. His research had basically inspired her to apply to med school. He was her medical hero and she wanted to be exactly like him.

However, what she did not know was that someone was staring at her from the window of his office, which had a clear view of the entrance of the hospital. 

It was none other then Ethan Ramsey, her medical hero.

He had been going through some paper work, pacing around near the window of his office, occasionally taking a sip from the cup of coffee he had on his other hand, which was free of the documents he had been holding. He had paused momentarily to stare outside of his window to stare at the buzz of activities happening below, a common hobby of his. People who did not know the context would have found it creepy, but to Ethan he saw it as the art of observation, a habit which he found very useful for himself as a diagnostician.

He had been looking out the window, when his aquamarine eyes landed on a brunette in her new scrubs, and from the way she was staring at the exterior of the building, it was clear to him that she was one of the new interns.

A Rookie he thought, as he continued to observe her. 

As she continued to gaze around, and the view of her face became more clear to him, he almost choked on his coffee. Ethan was not a man to be easily swayed by the outer appearance of others. Heck, he was not even interested in relationships due to his dedication to his job. But, the woman standing in front of the hospital had made The Ethan Ramsey stumble a little. 

She was beautiful indeed, her brown locks that carried hints of blonde highlights, were straightened professionally and ran slightly past her slim waist. Her eyes a vibrant emerald green as she looked at the building with great admiration. They were so vibrant that even Ethan, whose eyesight was lowkey crap, could see the color from such an distance. 

She was pretty tall with a great athletic figure. She was still a good one head shorter than him, but that was only probably due to the fact that Ethan was a literal giant. She had a slight tan and she did not look like a local for sure, only intriguing him more. He admired her innocence of being so happy on her first day one more time, before tearing his eyes away from her and went back to his desk to pack his paperwork up, as it was almost time for orientation to begin.

Blue had entered the building not long after, following the temporary signs put up for the new interns to get her ID registered. After a pleasant encounter with a very kind resident, Dr. Ines Delarosa, Blue was passing through the waiting room on her way to orientation, when she heard gasps behind her.

A woman had collapsed out of her seat, and other waiting patients were crowding around her. Feeling her instincts kick in, Blue rushed towards the scene, directing the crowd to step back in order to check on her. She hurried over to the woman just as another doctor rushed in. He knelt at her side, and checked her pulse.

Rookie | Ethan RamseyWhere stories live. Discover now