Chapter 4~ Dolores

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"Their life is in your hands. That responsibility has to come first. Always."

A couple of days later, Blue woke up to the enticing smell of someone frying up breakfast. "mhmm" she whined, stretching out of head, taking in the surroundings of her new dimly lit bedroom. Still waaaay better than a closet. Blue thought as she slipped on her hoodie, warming her up from the chill morning breeze.

She padded out to the living area and took in the amazing breakfast spread that Sienna had laid out on the kitchen counter. "Wow, Sienna! You didn't have to do all this!" Blue exclaimed. "Don't even try and stop me." Sienna beamed back. She filled a plate for Blue and she took it to the table, where Landry was furrowing his brow over a crossword.

"Stuck?" Blue asked, popping a piece of bacon into her mouth. "No! Just...delayed. What's a seven-letter term for 'colds that last a long time? Fourth letter is 'A.'" Landry replied. "Hm, try Ice ages." Blue casually suggested, taking a sip of her coffee. "I-C-E-A...Perfect! Thanks, Blue! How are you so good?!" Landry exclaimed. Blue shot him a cheeky wink, as Landry continued to analyse her. Landry felt slightly intimidated by Blue. The initial physical attraction he had for her had gone, and he felt himself seeing her more of a competitor than a friend.

Ethan Ramsey, his idol knew her name, and even talked to her more than once. She was definitely brilliant, and it was no surprise that she was popular among the interns not only due to her looks, but due to her ability to stand out with her personality and talent as well. To Landry Olsen, Blue Hunter was starting to become a threat.

"This place is so nice and quiet at night." Landry commented, trailing his attention away from Blue. "Not for long! I hooked up the T.V. and stereo last night. We're officially ready for a housewarming party!" Elijah exclaimed, wheeling in. "But the place is so clean..." Landry tried to protest. Elijah ignored him as he continued, "I was thinking we could invite all the interns, maybe a bunch of the residents! Great chance to get to know everyone..."

"No, surgeons, please. This apartment doesn't need to be christened with a keg stand." Jackie joked, as she poured herself a mug of coffee. "A party sounds like a great idea!" Blue encouraged, knowing how Elijah had never gotten the chance to host one and he was really excited to have one. "That's what I'm talking about!" Elijah cheered.

As the roommates sat chatting while devouring their breakfast, the conversation led to the rumors of Dr. Banerji resigning from the diagnostics team. As Jackie filled in on the scoop, Blue let her thoughts linger to the night when she overheard the conversation between Ethan and Naveen.

Soon, the roommates got ready, and left for Edenbrook.


Blue was on the fifth floor, heading to check a patient, when she heard Ethan's voice from a nearby room.

"This is preposterous, Harper! They're not ready." Ethan's voice boomed.

Through the blinds of the room, Blue could see Ethan and Chief Harper Emery standing close together, talking furtively.

"...Ethan." Harper trailed off, as she put her hand softly to Ethan's cheek. Blue felt an unfamiliar feeling in the pit of her stomach, as she wondered what the deal between them was. Ethan stepped back from Harper's touch, scowling at the contact. Harper let a look of rejection flash across her face before it was masked by a professional gaze again.

Ignoring the strange emotion that engulfed her, Blue decided to continue making her way, in order to respect their privacy. However, just as she rounded the corner of the room, she collided into a rock-hard chest, as a pair of strong arms supported her waist, to prevent her from falling backwards.

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