Chapter 10~ Miami

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"Some things are worth any risk."

The next day, Blue arrived at work to find Jackie and Landry already in the locker room, with a pile of textbooks open on the bench between them.

"Hyperthyroidism. C'mon, I said tough one. Treatment?" Jackie asked Landry. "Methimazole and propranolol. Thank you, next. Patient has steatorrhea, distention, and--" Landry started to reply when, "Hey, guys!" Blue greeted them. "Oh! Hi, Blue." Landry replied. "Hey..." Jackie greeted lowly, her face losing her smile when she saw Blue.

"Came in early to study without me? I hope that you don't burn yourselves out. I know you want to get you're rankings up, but you need you're rest too." Blue told them, genuinely worried for her friends' well-being. "What? Afraid we're gonna catch up to you?" Jackie smirked at her. "No! I'm genuinely worried about you! We've got a long way to go before the end of the year. Both of you will have you're turn at number soon, trust me. You're too good of doctors to not." Blue said. "Aw. Thanks, Blue." Landry replied before he and Jackie said goodbye pleasantly enough and headed out to get started with their patients. However Blue could not help but feel that things were still weird between them.

Blue sighed just as Bryce entered the locker room with a basketball under his arm. "Did I hear a wistful 'I wish Bryce were here' sigh?" he asked, smiling at her. Things were still not completely back to normal between them, but they were back on at least talking terms. "Dream on, Bryce." Blue joked good-naturedly. He leaned against the locker beside Blue's as she got changed, making sure to turn his back to her. "I get it. It can be tough being number one. I'm in that boat too. How are you holding up?" he asked over his shoulders.

"Things are...complicated. I only just reached the number one slot, and already being the top intern has its pros and cons." Blue said honestly, pinning her name tag, to the pocket of her scrubs. "I'm sure. But try to stay focused on the positive...A world renowned doctor at a top hospital thinks you're the best intern. Most people would kill to be you." Bryce reassured her. Blue smiled a little at the fact that Ethan was the one who deemed her number one, but her smile dropped as she replied, "Problem is, I think they just might. I just wish the other interns would stop treating me like I'm suddenly different. somehow. I'm still me."

"They're jealous. I'm surprised you're not used to it." Bryce told her. "But how do I fix it?" she asked, finally looking up at him. "You don't. You can't worry about what other people think of you. Just look at me!" he said, spreading his arms wide. "What's the point?" Blue asked. "You can't be afraid to strut you're stuff because it'll make others envy you. Don't cover up you're greatness. But, uh...I do need to get dressed before my surgery prep. Dr. Tanaka appreciates this particular form of greatness more when it's in clean scrubs." Bryce said, taking a fresh scrub top out of his locker and pulling in on.

"I don't have many friends among the other surgical interns any more. They say it's because I'm too arrogant and pushy. But they didn't care about any of those things before the attendings started to notice how good I am." Bryce continued. "And it doesn't bother you?" Blue asked. "No, I worked hard, took risks, and seized every opportunity I got. Now I get to assist on all the best surgeries. Did you come to Edenbrook to be great, or did you come to make friends? Because I sure as hell know why I'm here." Bryce said, raising his eyebrows meaningfully at her. "...Thanks Bryce. I know things aren't still completely back to normal between us, but I appreciate you listening to my problems." Blue told him sincerely. He gave her a charming smile, before heading out into the hallway.


Blue gathered with her cohort for rounds...and was surprised to see Harper Emery standing up front with Ethan.

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