Chapter 5~ Relief

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"Competing makes you stronger."

The day Ethan and Harper announced the fellowship, Blue, along with her friends headed to Donahue's after work.

"Could you even imagine? Doing your residency with the most elite diagnostics team in the world?" Elijah exclaimed, right as their drinks arrived at the table. "I keep waiting for myself to wake up and realise this was a dream." Landry beamed. "Well keep dreaming. Because if anyone is going to win it, it's me." Jackie said cockily, as she took a sip of her whiskey.

"Did all of you sign up to compete already?" Blue asked. "Of course! Might as well, right? It'd be such an honor." Sienna replied. "Hey, who wants a drink to celebrate?" Bryce asked, as he came up to their table with a tray of drinks. He slid into the booth beside Blue, before wrapping an arm around her shoulder.

"I'm impressed. Pretty sure I'd have spilled half of those before I even got the tray up off the bar." Blue commented, feeling a little shy upon Bryce's presence. Her little crush for him, only seemed to have grown bigger ever since their little hang out before Dolores was taken into surgery.

It was not easy for Blue to recover from Doloros' passing, and she had still not recovered. However, she was feeling much better ever since her baby, Ethan Hudson's, condition improved tremondously and Dolores' sisters had come to take him home, having the legal custody as his aunts. Ignoring the chatter of her friends, Blue let her thoughts wander back to the incident.


Blue had been cradling baby Ethan in her arms, something she had started doing during her break as she checked up on him. She occasionally made googly eyes at him, as he cooed up at her in delight. Not noticing that she was not the only one in the N.I C.U, Blue continued to amuse the the pre-mature baby who was only getting stronger every day. Dolores' sister and Ethan had been at the entrance of the unit, silently watching the exchange.

Dolores' sisters wiped the tears that escaped their eyes, as they watched their nephew being looked after by their sister's doctor. They had heard from Ethan about Blue's efforts to get baby Ethan the frog, his mother had wanted to give him, and how well she had looked after the baby. Ethan stood behind them, his tall frame enabling him to look at the exchange as well. His eyes softening, as his lips turned to a smile of endearment.

"You're going to make him burst out of happiness." Ethan said light-heartedly as he stepped forward towards Blue. Blue turned around at his voice, her cheeks reddening with embarrassment, as her attending had just witnessed her little antics with the baby in her arms.

Blue looked behind him to see Dolores' sisters and she offered them a smile of condolence for their loss, as they smiled back at her gratefully for taking care of their nephew. Blue looked back at Ethan, only to see him looking at her with a small smile as well. Ethan stepped closer to her, extending a hand, to gently carrass baby Ethan's head as he laid with satisfaction in Blue's arms. If Dolores' sisters had not known Ethan and Blue, they would have thought that the scene looked like a couple with their newborn. It was a truly endearing sight.

Blue turned to Dolores' sister before handing their nephew to them. Baby Ethan fidgeted in their arms, not being used to them, and his once delighted eyes, filled with tears as he reached out for Blue again, wanting to feel the familiar sense of comfort she provided. It had only been two days, but the baby was attached to Blue for she barely left his side unless she really needed to. She would feed him his bottle, change his diapers, making sure his condition was stable, as she tried to fill the void of losing his mother's comfort for the first few days of his life.

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