Chapter 7~ Patient X

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Patient X

"You are too selfless. You care more about you're patients than about yourself. One day, that's going to get you into trouble."

A week after the housewarming party...

Blue was leaving a patient's room with Elijah, when suddenly...

"Uh...Blue? Is it just me, or is the ground shaking?" Elijah asked, his hands cautiously moving up to the grip tightly onto his wheelchair. "Does Boston get earthquakes?" Blue asked, looking around bewildered.

The two of them heard a rumble approaching and looked down the hall to see a herd of interns stampeding right towards them.

"Dr. Ramsey's posting the new rankings!" Landry exclaimed, running pass them. "You coming or what?" Jackie asked the pair, running after Landry. "Uh-oh" Blue said as she and Elijah took cover inside a patient room as the stampede barraled past them.

The thought of rankings, had completely slipped out of Blue's mind, as she went about her week carrying out her tasks dutifully and dilligently. Sure, she was curious of the new rankings, but she knew that the hysteria was not worth it, and she had grown up in a family, where such behavior was frowned upon, especially when her parents had important business and medical partners over back when she was younger.

Owen and Adriana Hunter were loving parents to her, and allowed her to have her fair share of fun and ruckus. However, when it came down to their job and passion, they took professionalism very seriously, and that trait was taught to Blue as well, and she respected her parents a lot for it. Besides, she did not want Elijah to get hurt in the process especially from wheeling too fast amongst the crowd of interns.

"What? You're not excited to see the new rankings?" Elijah said, beaming up at her cheekily. "I'd rather not get Mufasa'd on the way." Blue replied chuckling a little. Once the coast was clear, the pair calmly followed the group to the atrium.

By the time they arrived, the interns had already crowded around Ethan, who was about to pin the latest fellowship rankings to the board. "My god. Can't any of you exhibit a modicum of self-control?" Ethan yelled, pausing to make eye contact with Blue appreciatively, as she stood at the back of the crowd calmly, waiting for her turn to see her ranking.

Blue noticed his look, and smiled sweetly at him in acknowledgment. However, despite his insult directed to the other interns, excluding Elijah and her, she could detect something distant in his gaze, as if he was barely paying attention. He walked away, leaving the interns to crowd around the ranking sheet.

"You guys! I'm up to fifth! Finally!" Landry exclaimed in delight. "I slipped to number thirteen...Weak." Elijah muttered in disappointment. "Ugh. Seventeen. I knew that would happen. Dr. Ramsey caught me crying in a supply closet yesterday. I've just...had lot of really sad cases lately." Sienna said. Feeling sympathy for her friend, Blue placed a comforting hand around Sienna's waist, pulling her into a side hug. "If you need to talk about them, I am always here for you." she assured Sienna, earning grateful smile from her as she returned the embrace.

Blue noticed that Jackie had fallen silent. Blue searched the list for her name and found that she had dropped in the rankings. "...Eleven? Really?" Jackie uttered, her face reddening with both embarrassment and disappointment. Blue continued to scan the list to find that right above Jackie was her own name. "Number ten! Nice work, Blue!" Sienna said tightening her arm around Blue  giving her a squeeze of encouragement.

Pride and happiness swelled in Blue's chair as she said, "Watch out I'm coming for the crown. I've been busting my butt to get out of the cellar!" "Looks like it paid of..." Jackie trailed, as the rest of the roommates and some other interns as well congratulated Blue on her improvement and progress.

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