Chapter 11~ Same Bullet

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Same Bullet

"Fighting the inevitable is in our job description."

Warning: Sensitive Content

Deep in the hospital's new wing, Blue anxiously held a stopwatch, as she watched Naveen's chest rise and fall.

It was a week after the Miami conference, and Ethan had informed Naveen about Blue's knowledge about his condition. He immediately trusted her, for he did personally know both of her parents.

During that week, the fishy things with her pager still continued, but Blue pressed on and continued to secure her number 1 spot in the competition. Moreover, she was trying to avoid Ethan as much as possible, especially after their kiss, only interacting with him when it was something regarding Naveen or the cases he assigned to her.

Ethan noticed she was trying to avoid him, but he could not blame her. It was clear that both of them had some sort of feelings for each other, and after that kiss, it was going to be difficult to act normal around each other.

"Your face will stick like that if you're not careful, you know. You're a spitting image of you're mother." Naveen teased Blue, referring to her stressed out expression. "Naveen, focus. Let Dr. Hunter do her job." Ethan chided him. "I tried to warn Ethan, and now look at him. Don't spend too much time around him, Blue, or you'll turn out the same way!" Naveen continued to joke.

"I..." Blue trailed as she looked up from the stopwatch to meet Ethan's gaze, as they both remember that kiss in Miami. It was only a split-second, but it was enough for Naveen to notice.

"Oh, I two are getting quite close, aren't you? Sharing this secret...and others..." Naveen trailed as well, catching Blue's eyes, as if to ask her what was going on, but Blue simply averted her eyes back to the stopwatch. "You're getting quite close to croaking if we don't solve this, Naveen. So please, pretty please, with a cherry on top, pipe down and let us focus?" Ethan said, almost kiddish.

Blue tried to suppress a smile, at Ethan's tone, as Naveen smiled at her, as if to indicate that Ethan did have a kiddy sight to him, especially when it came to his mentor. "Ah, sorry Blue, I'm just excited to see a much more cheerful face than Ethan here, plus the last time I saw you, you were a child, now you've grown so much." Naveen said to her.

"It's alright. Dr. Banerji, you're respiration rate has improved since last week." Blue started. "Just call me Naveen, you're my best friends' little girl. And you see Ethan? All that worry for nothing." Naveen responded. "Naveen, it's certainly good news...But let's not get ahead of ourselves. You're respiration rate has improved, but you're body temperature and pulse rate are still too low for my liking." Blue said, smiling sadly at Naveen.

"Ah, I see, Ethan has infected you already." Naveen said solemnly. Blue stiffened a bit, and Ethan asked, "And what is that supposed to mean?" "You never take the time to celebrate small achievements. I would hate for Blue to follow suit." Naveen replied.

Giving her a quick glance, Ethan told him, "Dr. Hunter and I will celebrate our larger achievement...when we get there." Naveen chuckled as he turned his gaze back to Blue, his eyes bright. "Ethan does not put much stock in hope." he said. "So I've noticed." Blue said grimly, giving Ethan a brief glance as well.

"I prefer to put my stock in science. It's done well for me so far." Ethan said, making Naveen laugh. However, his laugh quickly turned into a cough, and he pulled out a white handkerchief from his pocket and hacked into it. Blue's heart clenched a little to see Naveen suffer first hand, and she could only imagine how horrible Ethan was feeling.

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