ichinose, misaki rinko is a coward

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

( i love you uwu,
i hope you enjoy this
chapter. )

"Kazuya, look over there! The little sheep are adorable!" Smiling, Ichinose Kazuya let his girlfriend of 2 years drag him over to the sheep pens. Right now, the couple were on a zoo date, the first date they've ever had in Y/N's home country.

To provide a little background, Ichinose and Y/N live on different sides of the globe, Ichinose in the US, and Y/N in Japan. The timezone was always hard for them, but they stayed strong, and now Ichinose was here in Japan, but not for soccer, he came here for his girlfriend.

"Aww, look at cute wittle thing~" Y/N cooed gently as a soft and fluffy sheep came trotting towards her. The girl ran her hand through the wool that covered its body and almost immediately, she felt like melting. Ichinose bent down beside her and watched as she happily gushed over the cute little thing. Ichinose brought out his phone, and while his girlfriend was busy, he snapped a photo. He couldn't help but smile at his girlfriend's soft and genuine smile. "Kazuya? What'cha got there?" Curious to see what he was smiling about, the girl looked over his shoulder in an attempt to sneak a peek, but Ichinose was quick to cover up his phone by tucking it away on his pocket.

"Aww, boo~" the girl stuck out her tongue at him and Ichinose chuckled, pinching both her cheeks. "Kazu!" She whined, making Ichinose pull his hands away. "Well, we've seen the farm animals, where do you want to go next?" The zoo they visited in particular was huge, with many animal exhibits and artificial homes to house said animals. There was a polar exhibit, a jungle exhibit, a savannah, and many more. Ichinose knew his girlfriend was fond of animals, so he brought her here. The price wasn't pretty, but he'd do anything for his girlfriend. "Hmm, what about the jungle?" They already visited the polar exhibit first, and just beside that was the jungle. "The jungle it is then!" Ichinose stood up and offered his hand to the girl, she grabbed it and allowed him to pull her up. "Any animals you want to see in particular?" Ichinose asked as he walked hand-in-hand with his girlfriend towards the jungle area. "Hmm, well I wanna see a lioness! The fearsome warrior queens of the forest!"

Ichinose chuckled. Y/N always wanted to be the strong and fierce type of girl, but her soft heart couldn't bear it. Ichinose thinks that her desire to be strong stems from her meeting the fearsome soccer queen, Misaki Rinko herself, in the flesh. Ichinose couldn't help but smile at the memory. Y/N nearly got into a car accident that day, if it weren't for Misaki Rinko sweeping her off her feet and carrying her to safety. Y/N was awestruck and to her, it was as if Misaki Rinko was some kind of Goddess. When Ichinose arrived, he couldn't help but be jealous of Misaki Rinko, who had both girls and boys pining after her. Really, if she wasn't simping for her boyfriend, she would probably end up as a heartbreaker.

"Kazuya!" Jumping, Ichinose looked beside him and saw his girlfriend pouting. "You had this creepy smile on your face, and you weren't paying attention to what I was saying!" Smiling apologetically, Ichinose muttered a soft apology. "Jeez, what were you thinking about anyway?" Ichinose raised brow. 'Was it that obvious?' He thought to himself. Sighing, he decided to tell her anyways. "It's nothing, really. I just remembered the first time you met Rin-chan. I thought that you'd fall for her or something, because really, she's so much better than me..." he confessed, looking down. "That simp? Really? Rinko-san really is that type of girl who can sweep you off her feet and make you fall in love with her at first sight, but... I think that you're a hundred times better at caring for the people around you than her."

Ichinose couldn't help but stare at her in disbelief. "What do you mean?" He whispered. "Rinko-san cares only about a select few of people, and I think that she's a coward! She's afraid of caring, she's afraid of relying on others, she's afraid of her own emotions, and really, the only thing she can hold onto is Fidio-san." His girlfriend just called the soccer genius, the youngest most influential and successful businesswoman in the entire world, Misaki Rinko, a coward. Ichinose snorted. "If Rin-chan heard you, she'd probably sock you in the face." Y/N shook her head and smiled. "Well, she isn't here, so let's just continue on our date, okay?" Ichinose only nodded his head in agreement. Somewhere along the way, his girlfriend became stronger, and better in terms of speaking up, and he couldn't help but be proud of her.

When the couple returned to Y/N's home for the day, Ichinose had over five hundred photos of his girlfriend, most of them, stolen pics. But while he was swiping through each photo, just being happy and in love by seeing his girlfriend's face, his face seemingly fell as he noticed a certain black haired teen standing in the background of one the pictures.

Black hair, purple eyes, baggy clothing, sharp glare.... "Misaki Rinko!" Unfortunately for Y/N and Ichinose, the woman heard their conversation, and she called Ichinose after he found out about the image. "I wish you both a happy and fulfilling life." Was what she said before hanging up the phone. "Ichinose? What's with the look on your face?" Y/N asked after she got out of the shower. She was already in her pajamas, and a towel was hanging around her neck. She wondered why her boyfriend's face was so pale. "Rin-chan heard us."


Fortunately, Misaki Rinko wasn't too upset. She took Y/N's words to heart and made sure to work on her attitude a little more.

"We really dodged a bullet there." Ichinose sighed in relief. "Yeah..."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

          for my 400th follower, thank you so
          much for being so supportive, really, all
          your words are literally engraved into
          my heart because I forget easily when i
          hit my head- ehe, so uh, I hope you
          enjoyed this!

          and to all my followers and readers
          who have been with me all the way
          since 2016, i really do love you all, i'm
          so thankful that you're all so patient
          and supportive of me!

          seriously, no words could ever convey
          how thankful i am of every single one
          of you. i love you all! and i hope that
          you'll still stay with me as i continue my
          writing journey here in wattpad.

          i love you all! stay safe, drink your
          water, love yourself and give love to
          others! until the next one shot uwu~♡

02 / 06 / 21

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