nosaka x yui, 💚

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It was the night of the send off party for Inazuma Japan. Momoka Yui would of course, take part, as she was a member of the team as well. As soon as the boys were pushed into the changing rooms to dress up for the fancy night, Yui, was dragged by the girls into the girl's dressing room. The competitive soccer girl absolutely hated wearing dresses or skirts. She was always polite and ladylike, very rarely raising her voice or being so vocal, but as soon as the girls pulled out a forest green dress, the girl began screeching like a wild pterodactyl.

Nosaka, who was in the boy's dressing room nearby, heard the ear-piercing, panicked screeching of his girlfriend. He couldn't help but chuckle. "Nosaka-san, your girlfriend could be enduring some form of torture right now, why are you laughing?!" Asuto exclaimed in worry as he buttoned up his tuxedo. "He's right, that scream sounded like Momoka-san." Hikaru added to Asuto's previous statement. Nosaka merely smirked as he finished fixing his pink tie. "I have absolute faith that Yui will be able to handle things. She's a strong person after all." Nosaka smiled fondly. He grabbed a velvet ring box from his bag and opened it. Inside, was a shining, golden ring that glinted in the light.

The boys who took notice immediately had their jaws drop to the floor. "That- that's a really pretty ring, Nosaka-san! Are you giving it to Momoka-san?" Asuto smiled, leaning his face towards the box so he could get a better look. The second and third years couldn't help but smile. "Well, isn't that romantic." Kidou smiled as he rested his hand on his hip. Huffing in amusement, Nosaka closed the box and tucked it inside his pocket. "It's a promise ring, and yes, I do plan to give it to Yui during the party." Nosaka smiled. He gripped the box tighter as his hands began to feel cold. 'Am I moving too fast? Yui has so much to do, is giving her this promise ring the right thing to do?' The thought of it ran through Nosaka's mind like a broken record.

He loved Yui, with all his heart, and he wanted her to know that. The promise ring was there to symbolize it. But maybe, she wasn't ready for something so serious. Yui valued her freedom more than anything, maybe she wasn't ready to be tied down to a relationship just yet. Before Nosaka even knew what was happening, the hour of the send off party was near.


An entire grand cruise ship was reserved entirely for the Inazuma Japan send off party. Elegant designs were all over the entire place, and a grand and golden chandelier hung from the ceiling. Beautiful Renaissance and Romantic era paintings decorated the walls of the ship, and tables lined with delicious foods were scattered in an eye-pleasing way throughout the ballroom. The center was completely empty, and only a red carpet was there. That must be a dance floor. A few important people in the soccer organization were there, mingling and chatting amongst themselves as they waited for the party to start. The team of boys were awe struck at the fanciness and elegance of the party itself.

Although Endou and Asuto were more interested in the banquet. "I really don't feel comfortable wearing this.." Goujin groaned, looking down at his fancy get up. "I guess even a caveman can look decent with the right clothes." Angered by those words, Goujin looked up the stairs, where the voice came from, but as soon as his eyes landed on the figure, all the words became stuck in his throat. Standing at the rop of the stairs were the managers of the team, all dolled up and pretty. Anna lead the girls down with a confident stride in her steps. Aki followed behind, embarrassed. But what really caught the team's attention was the girl who came in last. Momoka Yuo stood at the very top of the stairs, her arms crossed, and a neutral look on her face as she looked down upon the sea of eyes that were gawking at her.

Unlike the other girls who wore dresses or skirts, she wore an elegant jumpsuit made out of silk. The sleeves were puffed out, but the cuffs that wrapped around her wrists tied the sleeves together. She wore brown open toe heels, and her brown hair was held back by a yellow hairband with floral designs, and golden hoop earrings hung from her ears. Her nails were painted in pine green, and her face had simplistic green makeup.

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