fudou, waltz

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‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

Prom was coming soon. Everyone who was anyone at Teikoku gakuen were all scurrying around the school, trying to ask the person they like to go to prom. Fudou couldn't care less about the party, he disliked social gatherings, and would rather be by himself. Typical lone wolf behaviour. But deep down inside, he knew that he wanted to go with a certain someone, and if that certain someone didn't want to go with him then he'll probably never attend school ever again. Y/N L/N is her name. A member of the student council and Prom organizer. Fudou was in the school gymnasium, watching students step over their partner's feet in a waltz. Y/N stood at the stage, overlooking their performance with Sakuma beside her.

"You can do it everyone!" She encouraged with a smile on her face, but as soon as she turned to Sakuma her face fell into a frown and Sakuma shrugged. He seemed to whisper something to her and her face brightened. She turned to the crowd of fumbling students and clapped her hands to get their attention. "Well, I've noticed that everyone seems to be having a hard time following the song and the steps to the dance, so Sakuma had an amazing idea!" She glanced at Sakuma, who smiled at her in return. "Sakuma and I will be leading everyone around the ballroom, all you have to do is follow our lead." Everyone whispered amongst themselves at her suggestion, and a nervous smile made its way on the H/C girl's lips.

Sakuma glanced at Fudou and their eyes met. The blue haired male smirked and silently motioned to the girl in front of him. Fudou huffed and looked away, crossing his arms. He glanced again and saw that Sakuma was gone. He clicked his tongue and closed his eyes. Y/N snapped her head towards Sakuma, who was now missing from his position. "Sakuma? Sakuma??" The girl peered behind the curtains backstage and didn't see any sign of her blue haired assistant. She turned back to the students and nervously looked around the room. Fudou's eyes opened and his eyes were met with Y/N's. Her eyes pleaded with him to help her.

Grumbling, he reluctantly stood up and made his way to the stage. "Well, since Sakuma isn't here, Fudou will be helping me lead you guys! Just follow our lead, okay?" The students all muttered words of agreement as they all took their positions, the girls in one line, and the boys in the other. Fudou was about to tuck his hands into his pockets, but he was stopped by Y/N grabbing his wrist. "Thank you so much for doing this. I'll buy you some lunch later on." The girl whispered as she covered the side of her mouth. She smiled cheekily and winked.

"Well, I'll just be warning you right now, I'm not... as good at dancing as I am at soccer." He looked away from her, embarrassed with his face flushed all red. Y/N giggled, "it's fine. I'll take the lead. Besides, you have a month to practice." She told him as she grabbed his hand instead of going for his wrist like earlier. She jumped down the stage, followed by Fudou, and walked towards the group of students. "Let's try this with just counting, okay?" She yelled to the students. They all chorused a "yes" and Y/N smiled in satisfaction.

She took the lead, just like what she said she would, and she lead Fudou to the middle of a circle formed by the dancing students. "You didn't tell me we were going to be in the center-!" Fudou was about to pull away from the girl, when she pulled him towards her. Smirking, she grabbed his hand and placed it on her hip. "We have to take the lead, remember?" She giggled. Fudou gritted his teeth as he let the girl sway them both. 'When I get my hands on you, you're dead!! Penguin Cyclops!!' "Ow!" Fudou quickly snapped out of his thoughts and he looked down at his partner who was biting her lip as she swayed around. "You okay?" Fudou whispered. "Fine." She replied, giving him a pained, but reassuring smile. "You just stepped on my toe, that's all."

"That's not fine at all!" Fudou yelled, a little bit too loud for everyone to hear. They all looked over with one eyebrow raised and Fudou froze on the spot. Y/N giggled, seeing his face so red and shocked. She patted his cheek before smiling at the rest of the students. "We're A-okay, continue with the dance!" At her orders, they did exactly as they were told. "Calm down, I teach dancing at a nearby studio, so I get my foot stepped on lots of times." She smiled. Still, Fudou couldn't get over the embarrassment from earlier.

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"15 minutes break everyone!" Everyone exhaled sharply as Y/N told them they could take a break. Fudou dropped onto the floor, his head hung low and his chest heaving heavily. "Fudou? Are you okay?" Y/N approached him, a worried lookon her face. She crouched down and rested her hand on his shoulder, when all of a sudden, her wrist was grabbed. She yelped. Realizing what she did, she turned to look back at the other students, who were no staring at them weirdly. She quickly waved them off and they returned to what they were doing.

"Fudou?" She asked, sitting cross legged in front of him-she's wearing them gym shorts or pants or whatevuh-as his hand was still tightly gripping her wrist. "I..." he started. Y/N grabbed her water bottle, which she dropped earlier when Fudou took her by surprise, and she handed it over to him. He grabbed it without hesitation and he began to gulp it all down. "Woah, athletes sure love their water huh." She observed. Fudou pulled the water bottle away, some of it dripping on the side of his lip, and some getting on his uniform. Y/N found the scene to be... sexy, and she was reminded of the fact t that she was actually in love with this hot headed rebel.

She gulped. "Uhhh, so.. you okay now?" She nervously asked as she began to subconsciously fidget with her fingers. "Teach me to dance." He told her, his eyes glinting in all seriousness. Surprised, Y/N widened her eyes. She stared at Fudou as if he were crazy, and surprisingly, he didn't show any signs of joking around. The girl saw an opportunity and she smirked. "Only if you be my date to prom." She bargained. "What?! I though you and that Blue Cyclops were going together!" He exclaimed. "Me and Sakuma?" She laughed. "Me and Sakuma? You must be joking." She laughed louder this time, and Fudou looked away, embarrassed.

"He's my assistant to the Prom organizer." She chuckled, wiping away a stray tear. "So is that a yes?" She boldly asked, and Fudou smirked.


‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

"Look at those two! It's like they own the dance floor!" Misaki Rinko laughed, raising her glass of punch as Fudou and Y/N continued to dance their hearts away at the dance floor. Sakuma smirked from beside her. "Everything worked out according to plan." Rinko raised a brow at him. "Boi the fuck-" "Rin! What are you doing here?!" Kidou whisper-more like shouted, irritation evident in his tone. Rinko rolled her eyes. "I'm visiting, obvi~" She rolled her eyes, laughing drunkenly as she took another swig of her punch. "Aaand, she's drunk." Kidou face palmed and grabbed her by the wrist.

"But I wanna see them~ my childreeenn~" She slurred, reaching out both hands like how a baby would. "Oh shut up."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

yes, misaki rinko can-NOT tolerate
alcohol. it's her thing, leave her alone

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